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Book a Week in 2011 - Week twenty one

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I'd like to know how it is; I hadn't heard of it, but it looks interesting.


I'll let you know. I'm not far into the book yet.



Stacia, okay, NOW I remember you linking that article :D. I loved reading that.



Jamee, quite honestly, I've loved every one of her books. My absolute favorite however, is House of Spirits.

I loved Sum of Our Days, Paula, Eva Luna, Ines of my Soul ... every single one of them. Haven't read Aphrodite - think it's just a collection of er*tic recipes ;).

She starts a new book, I guess most years, on January 8th. She, and her husband, have had very interesting lives.



Geez, you all are really intriguing me. My never ending "to read" pile is always expanding thanks to everyone here. ;)



I've gotten into the Ghostwalkers series by Christine Feehan. She's definitely r rated so beware. Just finished "Shadow Game".


R rated in what way? I can handle steamy scenes, but not violence or gore.



I've started Wuthering Heights onaudio and I am so confused. I have no idea what's going on. :confused: I'm wondering if I should start over and perhaps it'll make more sense. Does it become more clear as the story develops?

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I finished "Half Magic" by Edward Eager last night. I am hoping my dd will enjoy this. I thought it was cute!

We loved these. We read quite a few in the series, but liked the first one the most. The only thing I did not like and really cannot stand when doing read-alouds are very long chapters.

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