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Rude Comments People Make!

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I'm sorry your feelings were hurt :grouphug:



I'm probably in the minority here, but I've always LOVED being told I'm huge when I'm pregnant :lol:. When you are that big, people always ask if you want to sit down or ask how your feeling, etc. I just bask in the attention until the baby is born and then let the attention move to the baby LOL.


Most people really aren't TRYING to be unpleasant or critical, they are just making conversation about an obvious conversation point. Give them a little grace and move on and rock that belly hard - I'm sure you look 100% lovely and just the right size.

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you are being sensitive, yes, but she was being rude! She probably didn't intend to, but she was nonetheless.


I had MANY comments when I was pregnant with both my boys I *was* huge so I can look back now and not be offended by all the comments. BUT, both my boys were HUGE, the first over 10 pounds, the second nearly 11. I lost all my weight from the first but still can understand the comments when I look at my pictures! The most hurtful was the question, "When are you due?" after I had given birth to my second son.


I wouldn't let it get to me. I've had three pregnancies and had to endure countless rude comments, questions, and suggestions. People are clueless and rude. Move along. :001_smile:

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