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The Learnables French-- so far I like it

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We're not that far into it, but so far I am really liking it. My sons are 7 and 4. My favorite aspect so far is that it is not teacher intensive (at least not right now). Normally teacher intensive is not a problem for me, but right now life is unusually busy. We are done w/ anything teacher intensive for this year. DS1 is already ahead of me and on Lesson 3. I hadn't planned on starting DS2, but he learned some French in preschool this year and was quite eager to join in. They both are really enjoying it. They especially like the exercises at the end of the lessons. I don't let them review the exercises unless they get a perfect score, because I don't want them memorizing the answers. I'm really impressed with how much we've learned already. I'm really glad we added it instead of just progressing ahead in other subjects (math, L.A.)

Edited by happyhappyjoyjoy
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I'm really glad to run into your posts this evening! We will be starting The Learnables French soon too, and since we have never used it before it is reassuring to hear positive comments about the program. I was happy to find it on sale through the HS Buyers Co-op not long ago, which made an already affordable language program even lower in price.




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I'm happy with it too. We're in Level 2, and it's still pretty good. All the black-and-white drawings get a little old after awhile (according to Sweetie) but we still all pile onto the couch to do it as a group, or Sweetie takes it off to do on her own. It works for us.



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