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Interesting statistics regarding WTM forums...

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I know at least 20 people on this board all of whom know my forum name and I know theirs (Hi Crissy!) I'm sure there are other people who are on this board who I don't know about but know in real life. They may or may not know that I'm "Jean in Newcastle".


I've shared some pretty intimate stuff on this board but I have done it knowing that people know me. I've shared the broad strokes when doing so but have left out the details because they usually are not relevant. I've been open about these things for a couple of reasons - 1. prayer. There are some really neat and caring people on this board. Real people who have touched my life even over the internet. 2. I've responded to posts where someone else is searching and struggling in an area where I've gone before. I'm willing to put my pride aside if it will help even one person perhaps even a little bit.


I share some things about my kids but not others because if people know me, then they know my kids.

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When I was in college, I worked in a credit union. There was a retired man there who's grandson went to college to become an actuary. My psychology- majoring Shakespeare-loving self found it fascinating.:D



See that's what I'm so impressed by - people read Shakespeare and love it? :lol: I know I should improve my general literacy, but my math major brain is completely baffled by literature. The idea of picking up a classic work of literature and reading it strikes fear in my heart. ;)

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See that's what I'm so impressed by - people read Shakespeare and love it? :lol: I know I should improve my general literacy, but my math major brain is completely baffled by literature. The idea of picking up a classic work of literature and reading it strikes fear in my heart. ;)


But I'm impressed with...actuary-ing?!?:lol:


And Shakespeare's great, once you get to know him...


Have I not reason, beldams that you are?

Saucy and overbold,

How did you dare to

Trade and traffic with Macbeth

In riddles and affairs of death?

And I, the mistress of your charms,

The close contriver of all harms,

Was never called to bear my part,

Or show the glory of our art.


Seriously, what's not to love?:lol:


Please forgive any missed words in the above. I'm remembering from HIGH SCHOOL!!! Yes, my love for Shakespeare began long, long ago, continued all through college, and fades not unto this very day.:D


(So, would you like to come teach my kids algebra?:001_huh:) :lol:

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