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What are your plans for gas price hikes? (re: driving)

What are you doing with rising gas prices  

  1. 1. What are you doing with rising gas prices

    • Our budget won't change, we will drive less if necessary
    • We will increase our budget
    • Other
    • We will be trading our car for a more fuel efficient model

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Gas is something that we haven't budgeted a set amount. We have no family here, but all are within driving distance. I have family members with health problems, so I never know when I need to go.


I chose other because I guess the only real change is that we are not taking a vacation that will be far away. We will drive to Ohio to see dh's family. We've not been since Christmas. When we are there they always feed us and insist on taking us out, so we won't really lose anything by driving up there.


We'll be able to drive less over the next couple of months anyway because dh is a school teacher and will be off. Most of the homeschool and other activities we are involved in will be less over the summer as well.

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