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Please approve my schedule!!!!!!

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My DS will be in K. I am doing all of the must-dos in the morning and the afternoons are for the "I hope we get to thems." :001_smile: DD3 will have preschool on T and Th mornings. We are using Wed for storytime at the library, library time and field trips.



Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri mornings: 9-11 (Memorization, religion, math, reading, phonics, handwriting) We will take at least one 15 min break to burn off energy (NECESSARY :lol:)



Mon, Wed, Fri 1-1:30 Family music time


While the littles are taking naps, we will do some afternoon stuff.


Mon, Wed, Fri 2-3 history and geography

Tues, Thurs 2-3 Art (we will do one day of Artistic Pursuits and 1 day of an independent art project such as painting, coloring, etc)


My husband is going to do science on two of his three days off each week (he works at a hospital so they rotate). This is going to be his subject. I love science too, but I wanted him to be in charge of something so he could see what HSing is all about.


I am eventually going to add in German, but I want to get things running smoothly first. I am really concentrating on reading and math right now. I am not sure where that will fit in or if we might just hold off until 1st grade.


This is just a general timeframe, but I would love to hear your thoughts!

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I'd be prepared for things to take less time than you're expecting. Your schedule looks a lot like the schedule I had envisioned for my DS when we started homeschooling (he was also in K). I had sessions for the morning and afternoon planned.


Even on days where we managed to get through absolutely everything (which admittedly was not most days, although in my defense I was pregnant and then dealing with a newborn for most of the year), I don't think we ever went more than 90 minutes. And that was with an art or music lesson. Most days we were finished in 45-60 minutes. My son was reading already, though, so that probably caused us to move through things a bit more quickly than if he needed reading instruction along with other things.


It's possible you'll find yourself using and wanting to use all of that time, but I'd definitely be prepared to get more done in less time than you are expecting. When you're working one-on-one, especially with a small child, you can get so much done in very little time.

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I agree with twoforjoy. It looks great, but it will probably not take as much time as you think. :) Most of those subjects should take about 10-15 minutes each.


To give some perspective... My first grader with a full load of math, reading, spelling, grammar, composition, handwriting, history, science, Bible, art... we're easily done in 2.5 hours or less. And his attention span is more than that of a K'er. :)


My PreK'er gets 10 minutes of math and 10 minutes of reading. We get a LOT done in that amount of time! When he's K age, I'll probably make it 15 minutes per subject - math, reading, handwriting.


At any rate, it's great to have more time *scheduled*, and then when you're done, you can say "Wow! I have so much free time!" :D So I probably wouldn't change a thing. ;) You'll make changes as you go along and figure out how long things actually take you.

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I agree with the pps. We didn't spend more than 60 mins on seat work during Kindergarten. We could easily read aloud for an hour or more each day but much of that was voluntary. I really ramped up the academics for 1st grade this year and seat work still only takes 2 hrs at the most. I'll be shooting for 60 mins or less for my guy who starts K next month.

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The 9-11 is basically to give us leeway if we start late, have an extra fidegty day where he needs more breaks, etc. This isn't all seatwork though. We do phonics games, etc. When I had my practice days over spring break, I did realize that things went way faster than I had imagined! I hope that holds true! It is so amazing it me that you can get so much done in so little time instead of sending your child to PS and having them gone for 8 hours!

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I found that with a one-year-old in the house I had to break our schoolwork into smaller chunks so that I could read to the toddler or otherwise give him attention. There's no way he would have sat through a two-hour block of me working with his sister.


Maybe your younger kids are more compliant than mine is, though. ;)

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