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Artistic Pursuits, Atelier, or Meet the Masters?

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Quick question...does Artistic Pursuits have actual art instruction? I know they have lessons, but I only had a few brief moments to flip through one of the volumes. It seemed more of a "do this," but not how.


I hope I have the wrong impression...and it does instruct...because the appreciation/ history aspect looks phenomenal.


Any insight from users would be great!;):001_smile:


PS: Homeschool Buyers has a 50% off Meet the Masters right now ;)

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I did some research back when I was trying to find an art program and chose Atelier over Artistic Pursuits. I never could get a good feel for Meet the Masters, so I eliminated it early on. AP is more about art history and Atelier is more focused on art instruction. Plus, the ease of using DVDs to teach it with examples of what other children were doing was a big selling point to me.

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We have used them all. My daughter, who loves art, likes Atelier the most. She also really enjoys Artistic Pursuit. She likes Meet the Masters, but some of the art activities were frustrating to her. They are more following direction than creative expression. However, Meet the Masters does provide good information about artists and she really liked that part of their lessons. If we could only choose one, it would be Atelier!




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We are using Meet the Masters this year and my daughter enjoys it. It gives a good overview of the history of the artist being studied. There are opportunities to practice various techniques, and the art activities use a variety of different artistic media.


The program is online, and you download the modules after purchase. (I'm not sure if you can purchase a hard copy of the modules or not.) I printed all the modules at the beginning of the school year and had them spiral bound at Staples. There is a slide show that goes along with each lesson that we do online.


I don't know how MTM compares to the other programs listed. I am not artistic AT ALL, but my daughter is, and this is working really well for us.

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We're not much of a DVD-program family, so Atelier was out for us, although it does look tempting.


So we've tried Artistic Pursuits and Meet the Masters. We just finished a MTM lesson on Monet. I love this program because it gets us excited about learning about artists! After we watch and discuss the online video, we pull out our Venezia and Anholt books to learn more about the artist. We look at any prints we might have from our Masterpieces collection. We go back to the MTM program to do their two pages or so of practice on art techniques. On another day, we do the actual hands-on art lesson where we mimic the artist technique.


The reason I like Artistic Pursuits is that it's more creative and free and doesn't have your child copy another method.


I like this combination of art programs. I have to admit that art is one of the first things I slack on though, but I hope to focus more on art going forward.

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