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Age/Grade levels


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Can anyone help me? I need to know at what age you would go into different grade levels. I have 2 at the moment I'm wondering about, one is 10 in June and one just turned 8 in December. When people ask me (or I have forms to fill out :glare:) what grade they're in, I'm not really sure what to answer. We tend to go by the trivium at home, so... they're all grammar to me!!

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Depends on when the cutoff is in your district. Here in CA, if a child is 5 by December 2nd, he/she can start public kindergarten. But the private schools all have earlier cutoffs, ranging from August 1st through September 15th. A June birthday kid would start school at just-turned-5, while a December birthday kid would almost certainly start at 5 3/4.

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I would go by the state you live in. Check the cut-off date for Kansas. In my state the child must be 6 by September 1st to enter first grade that fall. I think most states go by that date now, but a few are different.



ETA: So, yes, in my state your kids would be entering 5th and 3rd.

Edited by Amie
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Do you know the cut-off date for public schools in your state? That's how you determine a grade-level label (which is totally irrelevant and meaningless when it comes to what your dc are actually learning).


Your 10yo would be "entering" fifth grade in the fall; your 8yo would be "entering" third.


ETA: DOH! I shoulda read all the answers first, lol, 'cuz you had already figured it out by the time I replied!

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Can anyone help me? I need to know at what age you would go into different grade levels. I have 2 at the moment I'm wondering about, one is 10 in June and one just turned 8 in December. When people ask me (or I have forms to fill out :glare:) what grade they're in, I'm not really sure what to answer. We tend to go by the trivium at home, so... they're all grammar to me!!


If you lived here, the almost 10yo would be starting 5th grade in the fall. The 8.5yo would be starting 3rd grade in the fall.

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It all depends on your state's cutoff. My state has a cutoff of Sept 1, so a child that is 5 before Sept 1 can start K. They'll be 6 before Sept 1 to start first grade, etc. In my state, your soon-to-be-10-year-old would be going into 5th grade. Your 8 year old would be going into third grade.


Some states have cutoffs in December, January, and I think I've even heard of February or March! So you'll really just have to look at the law in your state (and maybe county if your state lets counties have different cutoffs - my state does not). Private schools can let kids start earlier, but I would just stick to state cutoffs when filling out forms and telling people what "grade" your child is in. :)

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