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Where would you schedule free reading?

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We are getting our reading primer done (OPGTR) but I am having a hard time figuring out where to fit in free reading. Ds really needs more practice to gain fluency. Here is our daily schedule:


9-11:30 School with breaks & snacks

11:30 Lunch

12-1 Pick up brother at Preschool

1-3 Quiet time

3-5 Usually playdates with friends, walks, bike rides, etc.

5 on Dinner prep & family time


Would you try to combine free reading with part of quiet/rest time? I don't really want to do it after 3 since that is usually our active time and the kids need that. Where would you put it?

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We combine it with quiet time (aka Mommy's Naptime). It's a good segue into active afternoon play time, I think.


We also read during breakfast and dinner, which isn't necessarily great manners but I'm a big reader also and it's one of the few pockets of time I have to get my own pleasure reading done! Lunch is our main meal for the day, so we don't bring books to the table for lunch. Unless I'm at a really good part in my book.

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Can he read in the car on your way to preschool? You could listen to him while you are driving and have him spell out any words to you that he doesn't know. We used to get a lot of reading time in during car rides, but now my oldest gets a little motion sickness so we've had to stop.

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