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?s for Sunlamp users

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I am thinking about buying a sunlamp.

Is there a particular brand you like best?

Are there key features I should look for?

Does it really work?

How long do you need to sit under it?

How many do yuo have?

Anything I should know aobut using them?



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I am thinking about buying a sunlamp.

Is there a particular brand you like best?

Are there key features I should look for?

Does it really work?

How long do you need to sit under it?

How many do yuo have?

Anything I should know aobut using them?




I use one for depression. I have a 10,000 lux Day-Light DL930--just the one :)


This one was recommended in The Depression Cure by Stephen Ilardi. I use it for 20-30 minutes a day (most days, anyway) and you're supposed to sit a certain distance away to get the 10,000 lux (I forget exactly--I've found what works for me.)


Anyway, I've found that it does help, especially with having energy and sleeping well. In the book I mentioned there are recommendations for when to sit in front of the light, depending on what your sleep pattern may be.


Sorry I don't have more time now--kiddos are getting crazee! If you have other questions, I'll be happy to try to answer them from my own experience.

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It's suppose to help with insomnia too?

I want it for seasonal depression . We're moving to PA and I figure I am going to need it there. I get low in the winter where winters are mild and hardly last a few months.

Someone suggested getting a sunlamp for this.

I always thought they didn't work, but you said it does for you, so maybe it will for me too.....

I dont even know what questions to ask. I will take your recommendation though. :D

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It's suppose to help with insomnia too?

I want it for seasonal depression . We're moving to PA and I figure I am going to need it there. I get low in the winter where winters are mild and hardly last a few months.

Someone suggested getting a sunlamp for this.

I always thought they didn't work, but you said it does for you, so maybe it will for me too.....

I dont even know what questions to ask. I will take your recommendation though. :D


It does help with sleep patterns--to normalize them, I suppose. I grabbed my copy of the book to check--it says that many people with SAD get an "early shift" sleep pattern where they're waking very early and can't fall back to sleep. In that case, you use the light in the afternoon and shift the time until you're sleeping through the night. Most patterns in the book (late shift, fragmented and healthy sleep patterns) call for am exposure.


I think one of the important things about a sunlamp is to use it consistently and to make sure you have the right kind. Maybe you can find the book at the library or something like it? I would recommend it, as I've stopped antidepressant medication a couple of months ago for the first time in ten years, with my doctor's approval. It's basically a bunch of good sense, which I (and my doctor) appreciate.


I live in PA :seeya: best of luck with your move--it's a lovely state. I'll try to help if you can think of more questions.

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