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Got Trail Guide to Learning: Paths of Exploration in the mail this week!


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:D. Love it! I really think its going to fit this coming year! I keep going over it, looking at the details, making some mental notes, etc. I think a fun year is in store for us. I will add in some science here and there to supplement. That's one thing it is light on. Probably earth science and some chemistry. Really like how everything is tied together. Soooooo cool!

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When are you starting? What ages??


I just ordered/rcd the student sheets (I have a lousy printer) and was looking over this today. We're really excited too but not starting until late August.


Are you adding any grammar? I think we will continue with our GWG and supplement the science too.

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I'm sure you'll have a good year. TGTL is a well thought out program. The way all the elements are tied together is amazing. We used most of POE this past year. We skipped two units and will be adding them in where they fit in chronological order to POS this fall. We won't do POS as scheduled because we found the pace too slow for us. I will be speeding up the reading and that means I'll have to cut some things. We also supplement the science and language arts so I'll probably pick and choose on that too.


It's a great program. Enjoy!

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Oh, I didn't see your questions yesterday. Sorry! We will start in August as well. I will have a third grader and first grader. My first grader is coming along for the ride, too, because I think he will handle it well and enjoy the work activities. I am adding some grammar, free from the Scott Foresman site. Also, I have the MCT books to use for my oldest. I am adding a supplemental science book. I forget the title, but one is for grades 2-3, and the other I will use is for grades 3-4. I think it's more of a workbook. I'll come back later with the title. Lol.


Kelli- I think we may have to reschedule the reading but not sure. It may be fine as is. I am so excited still. It just looks AWESOME! I love how many things are covered. I am adding in some other literature. My DD is a Huge reader.

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