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I have an op. to get BJU dirt cheap. Is it good?

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Hi all,


I have an opportunity to get some BJU materials dirt cheap. So, I am wanting to think about the high school materials, which I will need in a couple of years.


Here's my long-range plan. Please tell me if BJU will get me there.




Background: DD consistently tests a couple of grade levels ahead. She has completed Prentice Hall Science Explorer grade 6 in 4th grade and grade 7 this year.


High school goal: AP Biology, Chemistry and Physics.

DD will take Apologia Gen Science in 6th grade, Apologia Physical Science in 7th grade and Apologia Biology in 8th grade through a part-time academy. We won't be using Apologia for physics beyond Physical Science in 7th grade.


I am going to ramp up to two sciences a year starting in 6th. I was thinking of adding chemistry in 6th using Ellen McHenry's materials (forget what it's called). Then doing biology in 7th and an AP biology in 9th. She would have had three years of biology before the AP class starts. I'm thinking of adding Chemistry to 8th grade concurrent with Apologia Biology. Then Apologia Chemistry in 9th and AP Biology in 10th. She would have had three years of chemistry before taking the AP Chemistry class.


My question is: based on the schedule at the academy, she would take the apologia class the year before the AP class and another of the same subject the year before the apologia class. If I used BJU science for the first course, then apologia, then AP, is she going to benefit from the rigor of BJU if it is followed by Apologia? Not sure if I am very clear on that wording.




Is the BJU American Literature for high school rigorous enough to turn into an AP level course? What about the English and Writing texts? How would those compare to using IEW WttW, Elegant Essay and others instead or concurrently? I am also looking at Elements of Literature by Holt (I think Holt).




I was thinking of using BJU World History Grade 10 in 8th grade, BJU American History combined with BJU Government in 9th and 10th (two years of American for explorers/colonial america and modern america), then maybe a Spielvogel in 11th and 12 for World and European history.


If you have an accelerated student, would this scheduling make sense? I know I need to really look at the materials, but wondering if it would be worth my effort if my plan is just plain wrong.


Does it make sense to do BJU science before apologia and still get to AP? Is the English and Writing a good fit with IEW? Is the literature going to work as a text for AP? Is history going to get me to Spielvogel and an AP credit in American history?


I realize that's a lot of AP. But that is pretty much the standard for schools here. If she is going to compare favorably to other high school students for college admissions, then she needs this level of course work.


Thanks for input!

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I don't have answers for you. I admire how driven your kids are... or how much you crack the whip (sorry). I did want to say that I've been glancing back at BJU. My kids loved it. It was so hard to implement complete multiple grades at one time but now that I have a rising 4th and she is becoming a LITTLE more independent... BJU was and is good stuff. I wish you luck.

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