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Americans who live abroad...

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Am I the only one who is feeling really sad today? I'm thrilled that the US troops were able to finally take out Bin Laden, but I am so sad that I'm not in the States with other Americans. I want to be on the streets celebrating with my countrymen. I felt this same way when the 9/11 attacks occurred. I wanted to be with other Americans, mourning with them. I was truly touched right after the attack when literally everything around the UK stopped for 3 minutes of silence. Cars stopped in the middle of the road. Everyone came out of shops to stand silently. It was amazing. But I really, really wish that I could be on the streets of America right now, or huddled with friends in front of the tv. Sometimes living overseas really sucks. Please tell me I'm not the only one feeling this way.

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Not really. I'm an American and glad I'm not there in the thick of it. Don't get me wrong, I haven't forgotten the hurt, the pain, the loss. The fear. None of it. We {my family} lost so much. My brother and cousin-in-law are both service men. I ache for them and their families when they are deployed.


At the same time.. hate, jealousy, rage.. it's what started all this. I'm not celebrating. I'm grateful. I'm grateful {CC ahead} that God is watching over my family. I'm grateful He keeps his word. I will not, however, for one minute rejoice in the failing of my enemies.


After all, I'm aware.. oh too aware of what costs still lay ahead for the American people. I'd love for this to be the end. For troops to be able to rush home and into the arms of loved ones. I'd love to know my baby brother is rushing home to the arms of his wife and his daughter, but he isn't.. he'll still be deployed for his full year or more. I'll still worry and cry every day over him.


We can never go back to where we were. We can only pray that as we move forward we can remove some of the fear. That while we never forget what was given we can at least be grateful that what was lost gave us so much more.


I dunno, maybe my entire train of thought is seen as naughty and inconsiderate. I was there. I lived through the nightmare. Each year it's replayed like a painful scab being ripped off. I mean absolutely no disrespect by any means. I cry, but I don't celebrate. And no, I don't cry for the removal, I think the tears were more of a.. "finally.." or "is this true.." or... kwim?


That said, those who know I'm American and saw me today asked if I'd heard and were subdued by the fact that I wasn't giddy. So you're not alone, there are those who are rejoicing even from a far. While it's always been dubbed "America's War On Terrorism" there are so many other countries who are equally giving so much. It was only a matter of months ago that someone local here lost his life in this very war..

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I will add though.. I'd like to get clear cut news and not the water downed we like this fellow so he looks good or we don't like this fellow so he looks bad stuff. It literally drives me insane and, honestly, gives the US a bad rap around here.. Super annoying.

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I guess the point that saddens me right now is not the lack of people with whom to celebrate, but the distance from my countrymen, the intense feeling of separation. I feel this way every time there is something major that happens in the States - any big crisis or victory. It was the same when the hurricanes ripped through Florida several years ago (because we used to live there) and even with the recent tornados. I don't know I guess I'm just a bit crazy. :tongue_smilie:

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:grouphug: I get that feeling every time I get picked on for being an American.. I often feel like a social outcast.. Disliked because I'm American.. but in America viewed as a foreigner. :lol: I think I'm beginning to understand how my dad's family felt when they migrated to the US

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Am I the only one who is feeling really sad today? I'm thrilled that the US troops were able to finally take out Bin Laden, but I am so sad that I'm not in the States with other Americans. I want to be on the streets celebrating with my countrymen... Please tell me I'm not the only one feeling this way.


We are overseas, but my DH is a GS and we are surrounded by US citizens and military. We do not live on base, however, and so I had no idea any of this happened until I started reading FB this morning. In all honesty, I am a bit unnerved. I wish I was back in the US for safety reasons, if nothing else. I don't truly expect anything bad to happen to me here, but being in a country where I don't speak the language or really know what is going on locally is a bit (just a bit) frightening at times.


When I miss America the most is at times like the Fourth of July. I want to fly my flag. I have a great balcony ;) - I'd love to hang a red, white, & blue bunting there. I want to celebrate and wear a patriotic tee. I want to have a USA sticker on my car. But we are told not to. Not to draw attention to ourselves. We never wear or do anything that screams "American" while out in public. We try to talk in low voices in places like the S-Bahn so we don't draw attention. Sometimes I want to shout, LOL!


All in all I feel very safe here, but there are times, like today, when I feel less so and wish we were back in the USA.


Not really. I'm an American and glad I'm not there in the thick of it. Don't get me wrong, I haven't forgotten the hurt, the pain, the loss. The fear. None of it....


At the same time.. hate, jealousy, rage.. it's what started all this. I'm not celebrating. I'm grateful. I'm grateful {CC ahead} that God is watching over my family. I'm grateful He keeps his word. I will not, however, for one minute rejoice in the failing of my enemies.


May I just say that your post is beautifully written (I didn't want to cut any off the quote!) and really struck a chord with me. Well said. Very well said.

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Oh yes, the 4th of July!! My all time favorite holiday aside from Thanksgiving. We celebrate them here but oh how I miss fireworks!! I mean I REALLY miss them. :lol:


:blushing: Laurie, I nearly deleted it for fear of offending. As for keeping a low profile, sometimes I really REALLY consider taking on the local accent, but that usually just cracks my husband up considering he has a real one! ;)

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Yes, American holidays - the 4th and Thanksgiving, even Memorial Day and Labor Day - make me nostalgic. I remember going to the parades growing up, the music, a ceremony around the war memorial in town. Bank Holidays here leave a little something to be desired. They don't actually celebrate anything. I still haven't figured out their purpose.


I did think about security concerns for some Americans living overseas. Fortunately, we're in the middle of nowhere. But I'm not sure how secure I'd feel if I worked at an embassy today.

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There really isn't any part of me that feels like celebrating bin Ladin's death. I'd be happy to cheer for the death of what he represents, but that hasn't happened. I have felt that distance from Americans in the past though, but mostly during natural disasters (Katrina in particular).


Anyway, I'm not too concerned about security in my neck of the woods (even though I do live in a scary-sounding Stan), although I suspect there could be noticeable reactions to the announcement. Russia appears to be pleased with the news and that will keep things more positive here.

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