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Trying to decide between Notebooking Treasury and Hold That Thought

Pamela in VA

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I like the looks of both these products, but can't decide which to purchase. It

seems like there might be alot more pages with the NT, but I really like the

specific event sheets in the HTT.


My two dc will be starting high school level work next year and they have good

experience with lapbooking. Actually, it's more a combo of lapbook projects and

scrapbooking on 12x12 cardstock using Times Travelers, TOG/SOTW maps, and

narrations they write. Although they really enjoy it, time is becoming more of

a factor and it's much more difficult to get all the projects done and in the



My thought is to have them write answers to their TOG Accountability and

Thinking questions onto appropriate notebooking pages, as well as shorter

narrations and essays they will write. I'm wondering also if using the event

pages from HTT would work as a timeline project with bio pages inserted in

appropriate places. They will finish a timeline using HTTA by early fall, so I

don't want to duplicate that again in high school.


Hoping to hear any and all thoughts and advice soon, since the NT sale ends

today. Any other ideas I haven't thought of would be greatly appreciated (even

if it's another product I might have to consider - yikes!) LOL!


Thanks and blessings,

PameLA in VA

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I've never heard of NT, but I really, really like HTT. I have not used it yet, but will when my kids get older, but I have seen all of the products all laid out and used, and I LOVE the way the students used it, and it really stayed with them. One of my friends son's (10) was standing next to me with interest looking at it saying how cool it looks, and asked what it was. I made the mistake of saying it's curriculum (which I later learned it's not), and then suddenly he had no interest in it:)

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Do you mean Notebookingpages.com? They have a Treasury membership. Thats' what I use. We use it for ToG (mine are UG, I have them write their vocabulary words in it, and then write summaries of what they've read) and for science (Apologia, they write their What Do You Remember questions in it). I really love it, and I think it's a great deal!


HTT I just googled, and it looks really awesome, too. I might have to get some of their CDs.

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Yes, I'm referring to the Notebooking Treasury membership. In looking at them more since I posted, I've noticed a few things. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.


NT has more for youngers (which I don't have), whereas HTT seems to have more specific event pages, advanced pages, and more in-depth Bible pages.


HTT is primarily History, Geography, and Bible, while NT also has Science, Artists, and Composers (though I noticed some Artists and Composers in the HTT History).


Paying for all the HTT CDs is more than the Treasury membership, but that might equal out or change if the membership is continued for several years or more.


Anyone else with thoughts?



PameLA in VA

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We have a treasury membership at Notebooking.com and LOVE the pages. Her children are only up to 10th grade, though, so I do think they would be designed for children 10th and under. There are some specific pages that I have seen that could be used for older children. Looking at Hold that thought, it does seem like the pages are geared more toward older children. Mine are still really young. I'm not much help in deciding, as I think both would be great! :) Good luck!

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Yes, I'm referring to the Notebooking Treasury membership. In looking at them more since I posted, I've noticed a few things. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong.


NT has more for youngers (which I don't have), whereas HTT seems to have more specific event pages, advanced pages, and more in-depth Bible pages.


HTT is primarily History, Geography, and Bible, while NT also has Science, Artists, and Composers (though I noticed some Artists and Composers in the HTT History).


Paying for all the HTT CDs is more than the Treasury membership, but that might equal out or change if the membership is continued for several years or more.


Anyone else with thoughts?



PameLA in VA


I don't know about NT, but HTT is geared towards older children, and their pages are very specific, and does only cover History, Geography, and Bible. HTH:)

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