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Choose my literature please

Wee Pip

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If you could assign 6 good books for my children to read, what would those 6 titles be? It doesn't have to be a classic (although classics would be good, too). It doesn't have to line up with our history cycle (although that's good, too - we'll be in year 4 next year, modern times). Dd 10 will be 11 in the fall (5th-6th gr), and dd 8 will be 9 in the fall (3rd-4th gr). They both are above avg in reading ability & comprehension. They both tend to avoid old fashioned, antiquated language.


They both enjoy Harry Potter & Percy Jackson, & have a bit of trouble stretching beyond this, interest-wise. But that's ok, because this would be a required reading list. This is a "because it is good for you" list. This is a school list (and they don't like school). If they happen to like the books you assign, that would be icing on the cake.


So what are 6 can't be missed titles? Thanks!

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Artemis Fowl books are modern and fun (also nice moderate reading level w/ some good vocab thrown in)

Black Cauldron or anything by LLoyd Alexander

Susan Cooper's Dark is Rising books

Gordon Korman books (good for boys)

Secret Garden (even my scifi obsessed brother loved it when we were kids)

Phantom Tolbooth!

and good ol' Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, etc... (darn it, they were cool)


Some Ray Bradbury may be appropriate @ that age too, like the Illustrated Man also an abridged version of War of the Worlds, Treasure Island or Swiss Family Robinson.... and if they're really daring, Lord of the Flies!


making lists of books is fun... I could go all night:)

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I have three daughters and all read "The Witch of Blackbird Pond" when they were 11, and always passed down by the elder sister to the younger as a "must read". It's THE favorite for all three.


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