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It pays to be the squeaky wheel

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This is a follow-up of a previous post from about a month and a half ago. My son had been accepted to a private college with a good scholarship but decided to change his major and therefore had to change to another university. We were late for all academic merit deadlines as well as most of the scholarship deadlines.


Based on advice I received here, I spoke with various individuals within the department as well as the financial aid/recruiting services telling them our story. Through it all, my son was invited to interview for a very special scholarship and has already been awarded enough scholarship money (based on academic merit) to more than pay for the tuition. All of these are renewable for up to 4/5 years! We even received a scholarship we were told we would absolutely not receive because there was no money left ;). We are still waiting to hear about the scholarship for which he interviewed.


This has all been very exciting for my son because he felt so bad about causing such financial trouble by making a late decision. It has helped reinforce to him that God can make a way. Thanks to all of you who offered advice and encouragement :001_smile:

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