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I don't "need" to homeschool anymore ...

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Most of the remote areas don't have a major employer - just the school and health clinic, some construction, some mining, some commercial fishing. A lot of people hunt, fish, and gather berries for their own food (subsistence living). The village we're moving to gets a lot of money from a corporation the Native American tribe owns. The corp. has lots of programs and is very successful. The kids do fundraising and travel around the world.

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Never heard of a vampire movie about Barrow.


My friend's husband has been on a TV show about remote areas when he was doing a medi-vac and he just drove the ice road and then along the ocean with their jeep to save the shipping costs.


I hope to go visit there next year. Before Barrow, they had lived in Wainwright as missionaries for 15 years and 5 years in other areas of Alaska. The past 6 years though she has been down here in good old West Michigan.

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