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Curtailing Attitude

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In the past 3 months or so my sweet loving 10 year old DD has turned into an attitude yielding, eye rolling, sighing because I exist monster!


I realize that it is age and hormones for the most part but I honestly believe that half the time she doesn't understand how horrible the things coming out of her mouth sound. (tone not language) How do I make her hear herself and how do I help curtail the attitude now so that I can survive the teenage years?!



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Yours too? Someone somewhere must have made my dd Queen of the World without my knowledge because she is starting to act as though we are all her slaves:glare:. I just do not tolerate the attitude. Every time I notice a "tone" I point it out and make her correct it. Every time she corrects me (because you know, I am now an idiot who has abdicated her parental responsibilities:glare::glare:) I check her attitude. Every time. It's annoying and time-consuming, but I'll be darned if I am going to deal with this attitude for the next 8 years.

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