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NoS Diet Weekly Check In: April 18

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Any more NoS Diet followers out there?


Last week I did well and followed NoS, but showed a 1/2 lb. gain on the scale this morning :glare: I had Pizza Hut pizza last night - loaded with sodium, I'm sure. My weigh-in day when I did WW was on Mondays, and I have continued to weigh in on Mondays out of habit. But - I wonder if I should weigh in on Sat. mornings instead. When do you weigh?


Looking forward to hearing from y'all!

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I've lost about 5 lbs. total. I started on March 7, so I'm happy with that.

I weigh in just whenever I remember to, lol...but I think the end of the week would be the best since it doesn't reflect whatever I did on the weekend. ;)

Anyway, I like it. It's very freeing. I don't have to fret over calories, etc. and I always have the weekend to look forward to.

I've even found on a few days I got so busy I almost forgot to eat lunch...which was not something that would normally happen before.

I guess being hungry isn't a crisis anymore. :D

I think I also enjoy my meals more. I have to wait for them, but when I eat, I eat well, don't have any guilt, etc.

I'm so glad you are posting a check in!

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My dh started weighing in on a almost daily basis From September till March. He lost on average a little over a pound a day.He went from 272 to 245. Since March he has been going from 248 to 243 yo-yoing between those.


He was sick for two days and lost alot of weight and went down to 242. But then gained it all back and is up to 246 again. He just can't seem to get below 245 and stay below 245.

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I've lost about 5 lbs. total... I like it. It's very freeing. I don't have to fret over calories, etc. and I always have the weekend to look forward to.

I've even found on a few days I got so busy I almost forgot to eat lunch...which was not something that would normally happen before.

I guess being hungry isn't a crisis anymore. :D

I think I also enjoy my meals more. I have to wait for them, but when I eat, I eat well, don't have any guilt, etc.


Congrats! Five pounds is awesome. It used not to feel like such an accomplishment to me, until a friend told me to pick up a 5 lb. bag of sugar! Five pounds is a lot!


:iagree: the bold - WTG!!!


From September till March. He lost on average a little over a pound a day.He went from 272 to 245. Since March he has been going from 248 to 243 yo-yoing between those... He just can't seem to get below 245 and stay below 245.


WTG for your DH! That is an impressive loss. I hope he will be able to break through his plateau soon. I'm sure that it can be frustrating, but he has done so, so well! That's almost six bags o' sugar, LOL!

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I've been NoSing for about 2 1/2 years now... I like to think that I was the first to promote NoS here on the boards :001_rolleyes: and still loving it and losing.


So far, down 45 pounds, with only 10 more to go. Those numbers include hostessing people ALL summer (every summer!) and a recent 3 month furlough (think "extended working vacation."). NoS really is a lifestyle plan.


I weigh only once a month, at the end of the week. Mondays are probably the worst days to weigh in the sense that they will tend to be skewed by additional water weight and while my head can acknowledge that fact, my emotions don't!


PS. If you ever visit the NoS forums, you can see my two testimonials (one for each anniversary date!) in the testimonial forum. All the posts there are very inspiring and worth reading every now and then.

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