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Switching from BJU math to MUS


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Currently we are using BJU Math for our first grade daughter. She is doing good and liking it. However, I am really interested in MUS for a variety of reasons, yet I am a little hesitant to switch her because it is completely different than BJU. What say you?

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My advice for math is that if she is doing well and liking it, please don't switch her. I switched my dd too many times and she ended up hating math. We took a three or four month break and started over. I have no plans to change any math that is working ever again. MUS is great for many; BJU is wonderful. The same can be said for many math programs.

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I agree with PP. My motto is "if it ain't broke, don't fix it!"... I admit I have been tempted in the past to switch math programs. My kids do very well with BJU, but I do feel like a bit of an island - I know only one other family personally that uses BJU and they do the home sat program. I sometimes wonder if we are "missing something". But after five years with BJU, and seeing their continued progress in year-end evaluations, we will stick with BJU through sixth grade for sure.

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I did that, and I regret it!! We did BJU for K. After K, we used Sonlight which came with Horizons. I hated Horizons. I was also suffering from "the grass is greener" syndrome because all my friends made MUS look so exciting. So then we did MUS. You know what? MUS is more mastery, but it takes a very *very* similar approach to BJU when it comes to math facts. BOTH MUS & BJU teach the concept of tens and ones, and when you add 9 + 5, you make a "ten" by making 10 + 4. Here are the differences:

*MUS is mastery, so you spend all of Book Alpha learning math facts for + and -

*MUS does not tell you when to move on, that's up to you to decide

*BJU keeps you moving (you can still decide to give more review, but eventually, the chapter will be over)

*BJU gives more practice & review on those concepts (unless you stick around in MUS longer)

*BJU gives you far more games & activities to add to your lessons (yes, this can be overwhelming)

*MUS uses blocks, BJU uses cardstock manipulatives & unifix cubes with more variety of presentations

*MUS has a DVD you can watch that explains it. BJU does not have a DVD, unless you buy the very expensive distance learning program.

*BJU gives a bigger variety of concepts learned in 1 year than MUS. This may be a good or bad thing, depending on your kid. BJU keeps more to a typical school scope, MUS is mastery but will cover it all eventually.


IMHO, BJU is an equally good program to MUS, but really depends on the kid (some kids that struggle with all the color, variety of topics, and different presentations of BJU may do better with MUS). But if your dd is doing well with BJU and likes it, please don't switch! Honestly, MUS is almost identical to BJU in its mental math methods - the difference is in the mastery approach, the colored blocks, black/white pages, & DVD instruction (which you'd probably only watch once per week anyway). It really isn't *that* exciting, LOL. But do what's *best* for you - obviously, I am biased in my opinion because I see how all the switching put us behind, & I regret not sticking with BJU to begin with.

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I just had to say, after reading the comments in reply to this moms concerns about changing math that I was overwhelmed by how much I love this posting and how gratefully I am to have found it.

This solid, informational, real life information , to me, is priceless. Thank you so much for taking the time to write about your experience with BJU and MUS.. along with all the other helpful things you all share from your experiences. This is the one place I feel like I can learn from others experience/ mistakes... without having to make my own! YAY!:001_smile:

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I totally agree with the ain't broke/don't fix it line of thinking. When I first started hsing, a friend told me to find a math program and stick with it. I took that advice very seriously....too seriously and stuck with programs when I should have moved on. I thought my son was just hitting a wall, so we continued, adding a bit, slowing down, mixing it up, but it was broken. He wasn't getting it and wasn't going to get it.


If your DD is doing well, then press on and don't worry about other programs. If she starts having problems (not learning curves), take some action, and don't necessarily wait for things to fix themselves.


My 2 cents.

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I'd tend to agree with the "if it ain't broke don't fix it" sentiment from the prev. posters. We did switch my ds10 from Saxon to MUS and have had great success. BUT, ds10 did NOT like Saxon although he was doing well. Turned out, he was able to vocalize he wanted a more mastery approach. MUS is a good "fit" for him. If your dd does well with and likes BJU, why switch? It's tough, I know. See, I LOVE the Saxon approach and fought hard with ds10 before agreeing to switch. Saxon fit ME, but not HIM? KWIM? MUS would NOT be for me, but I'm a math minded person and don't need all that review. Ds10 needs a different approach. Go by what your dd does well with, how she learns. Threre are so many programs out there one could literally go insane trying to decide...trust me..btdt! I suffer from a severe case of the grass is always greener syndrome and have become quite the curriculum junkie. Good think I have lots of littles to use as "guinea pigs"!

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Thank you so much for the advise. I guess I needed to hear that it is okay to stay with BJU, and that it is a good curriculum. I hear so much about MUS, but I sure appreciate your thoughts on switching. It is such a temptation isn't it. I will take your wise advise and stick with BJU since it is working. I have only been using the student workbook because I pulled my daughter out of her Christian school in the second week, and they gave me the workbook. I am thinking it will be even better once I get the teachers manual and the manipulatives for second grade.

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Thank you so much for the advise. I guess I needed to hear that it is okay to stay with BJU, and that it is a good curriculum. I hear so much about MUS, but I sure appreciate your thoughts on switching. It is such a temptation isn't it. I will take your wise advise and stick with BJU since it is working. I have only been using the student workbook because I pulled my daughter out of her Christian school in the second week, and they gave me the workbook. I am thinking it will be even better once I get the teachers manual and the manipulatives for second grade.


It will definitely be better! And can I recommend that you get the flip chart? I always skipped it thinking it was a waste of money and I could wing it... I finally broke down 1/2 way through 3rd grade math and I am SO glad I did... I love flipping to the correct chart instead of jerry-rigging something on my own! :)

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