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My dd's school teaches Spanish from 1st grade through 3rd or 4th and again in hs. I want to continue this but they don't use a ton of curriculum for it because the teacher is a native speaker. What should I use for my girls? I'll have an advanced K5 and a 3rd grader. The 5yo can read on about a 1st grade level right now.

We do have Muzzy in all the languages except Chinese but I don't know if that would be good for them or not. How can a video really count as class time?

And how often should we do lessons on a foreign language at their ages?

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I used Elementary Spanish this past year, along with getting Scholastic Magazines in Spanish at DD's grade level, and using a lot of materials at grade level in Spanish (there are enough children who come to school speaking only Spanish here that teacher's stores have books of early learning activities in Spanish-this is also why we decided, when she was a baby, to start doing some Spanish with her, because she can go to our neighborhood park and play with kids for whom Spanish is their first language). This has let DD keep her Spanish skills that she started before starting school and in school last year (where she had a partial immersion program. DD also is allowed to watch TV shows/videos in Spanish during her quiet time. Again, we're able to get many of these through local TV.


This year, we're starting Spanish for Children, which is more a Spanish Grammar course with a DVD/CD and workbook component, and continuing the immersion activities.

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