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HOD users, have a few questions


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I am seriously considering using Preparing and DITHOR for my DD for 4th grade. My other option is MFW ECC. I have read all the threads on here about HOD-Here are my worries:



I am worried that there is too much Bible in the programs. I am looking to intertwine the Bible in our studies, but I feel that maybe the History program will be lacking if the Bible is the main focus. Is the History part sufficient on the non-biblical side?? This is my main hang up with the program.


I feel the Science is very gentle, would it be worth it to use HOD, but do my own Science, or will that take away from the "togetherness" of it all??


Do you like DITHOR? It looks great, but I didnt see too many threads about it.



I would be using Preparing, DITHOR, R&S, WWE, and MM. Oh this would so simplify my life. I did buy LHFHG for my K'er to use with OPTGR, ETC, and HWT.

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We use HOD and will be using Preparing next year with two of my dc. To answer your questions:


I believe it is a thorough coverage of one-year world history, both biblical and non-biblical history. This is because although there are several main books in the history portion that cover Bible history, the Child's History of the World book by Hillyer is the main History spine for the year (at least I think it's used throughout the entire year). I have this book already since I purchased it in an SL core a long time ago, so I know what's in it. It's pretty secular in nature and covers all of history in a non-biblical way.


You can subsitute any science you like into HOD's programs and be fine. You do lose the natural connections that are made between the history and science that the author wrote into the program, but it doesn't ruin the program or anything. A lot of moms sub in their own science in HOD's programs, especially from Bigger on up.


I do really like DITHOR. It takes about an hour at first to really read through the TM and get a feel for how it works, but once that is done it is easy to implement and I feel a very excellent reading program. I also really like the fact that you can use real lit books with it rather than "readers" like with other programs we have used. (we've used pathway and CLE, which we do like those books too, it's just a different setup). But DITHOR is an optional thing and is separate unto itself. You can use whatever reading program you desire.


I'm really excited to teach Preparing next year, it's looks so good. We're using the extensions too, so even more books WOOHOO!:tongue_smilie:



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I will be watching very closely as I too am seriously considering HOD because of the recent threads on it lol. I looked at it before, but chose MFW instead because of being able to choose my own LA, but we are taking a year off from MFW after we finish adventures so that when we start ECC my youngest will be in 2nd and can join in better with her older brother. So we are looking to use HOD for next year that way we can see what program we like better. Best wishes on your decision. Thanks for posting!


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I don't feel that HOD or Preparing specifically is too heavy on the Bible. Then again, I *like* that HOD is very Christ-centered. One of the main History spines, CHOW, (as a pp said) is very secular. The other one, Grandpa's Box, is a fabulous book. It is one of my favorites now. Science in Preparing is a bit light, IMO. We typically will do all of the science for days 1-3 and then I decide whether or not the experiment is worth my time. My 7th grader was using Rainbow Science as a supplement. For a 4th grader, I think the science as written in Preparing is sufficient. It is quite easy to just do your own thing, however, and it will not detract from the "togetherness", IMO. Just a note about ECC...we didn't love it as much as I wanted to. I had a 2nd, 3rd, 5th and 7th grader doing ECC and my younger 2 didn't get much out of it, except to learn where the countries were located (which is good!), do some of the coloring pages, cooking projects (if we did them). But, many families LOVE ECC. So YMMV. I am loving HOD and plan to stick with it. It is just a good "fit" for my boys.

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We just started DITHR a few weeks ago, and so far I think it is great. My ds is doing level 2/3, and it doesn't take that long each day. I have not personally seen Preparing yet, so I can't answer you there. As far as science is concerned I feel the science in Little Hearts and Beyond is a bit light, but adequate for the ages. Once you get to Bigger and up they do science daily, which doesn't seem light to me at all. A lot of the science though is more history related as in studying scientist. I would think that even if you are going to sub in some science you would not want to miss the science reading at least. My dh wants to do some school with the kids in the evening, so i bought all of the Apologia Elementary science texts and he is going through those with the kids. It give the kids extra science, and I don't have to worry about adding to our regular school day. This coming year my ds will be doing Bigger hearts, and my dh will be doing Zoology 2 with ds, and dd. We are saving Astronomy for when it comes in HOD, and my ds will have to repeat Land Animals, because he did it in 1st grade.

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We use HOD and will be using Preparing next year with two of my dc. To answer your questions:


I believe it is a thorough coverage of one-year world history' date=' both biblical and non-biblical history. This is because although there are several main books in the history portion that cover Bible history, the Child's History of the World book by Hillyer is the main History spine for the year (at least I think it's used throughout the entire year). I have this book already since I purchased it in an SL core a long time ago, so I know what's in it. It's pretty secular in nature and covers all of history in a non-biblical way.


You can subsitute any science you like into HOD's programs and be fine. You do lose the natural connections that are made between the history and science that the author wrote into the program, but it doesn't ruin the program or anything. A lot of moms sub in their own science in HOD's programs, especially from Bigger on up.


I do really like DITHOR. It takes about an hour at first to really read through the TM and get a feel for how it works, but once that is done it is easy to implement and I feel a very excellent reading program. I also really like the fact that you can use real lit books with it rather than "readers" like with other programs we have used. (we've used pathway and CLE, which we do like those books too, it's just a different setup). But DITHOR is an optional thing and is separate unto itself. You can use whatever reading program you desire.


I'm really excited to teach Preparing next year, it's looks so good. We're using the extensions too, so even more books WOOHOO!:tongue_smilie:




Thanks for your input! So what I wanted to hear. I reallllly wanna do this program :001_smile: I love that you can use your own choice books in DITHOR.



We just started DITHR a few weeks ago, and so far I think it is great. My ds is doing level 2/3, and it doesn't take that long each day. I have not personally seen Preparing yet, so I can't answer you there. As far as science is concerned I feel the science in Little Hearts and Beyond is a bit light, but adequate for the ages. Once you get to Bigger and up they do science daily, which doesn't seem light to me at all. A lot of the science though is more history related as in studying scientist. I would think that even if you are going to sub in some science you would not want to miss the science reading at least. My dh wants to do some school with the kids in the evening, so i bought all of the Apologia Elementary science texts and he is going through those with the kids. It give the kids extra science, and I don't have to worry about adding to our regular school day. This coming year my ds will be doing Bigger hearts, and my dh will be doing Zoology 2 with ds, and dd. We are saving Astronomy for when it comes in HOD, and my ds will have to repeat Land Animals, because he did it in 1st grade.



EXACTLY what I was planning on doing, but over the summers. I am waiting on all my Apologia books as we speak and was holding off on Astronomy. :001_smile: This way I can do HOD's Science and not feel light.

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