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Ugh---kids late night Showers and Noise

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Well as a home school mom I have long given up early bedtimes for my 13-15 year old boys, as long as they are ready to start school by 8:30-9 am. With others in the house though trying to sleep by 8:30, 9 or 10 its driving me crazy that I have our teens taking showers and getting read for bed after we are trying to fall asleep..... Bang, crunch, noise, noise....lol


Am I the only one?

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Well as a home school mom I have long given up early bedtimes for my 13-15 year old boys, as long as they are ready to start school by 8:30-9 am. With others in the house though trying to sleep by 8:30, 9 or 10 its driving me crazy that I have our teens taking showers and getting read for bed after we are trying to fall asleep..... Bang, crunch, noise, noise....lol


Am I the only one?



We recently had a huge thread about a teen who wanted to play games and then shower when people who needed to get up at 4 a.m. were asleep. Those who sleep on a dime, or sleep through it, thought "what's the big deal". Those of us who can't easily fall back asleep were ready with our pitchforks and torches. I'm of the shower when everyone is up, and get in your PJs and be quiet at a reasonable time school. I can fall back asleep if woken at 3 a.m., but after only 30-60 minutes "nap" if I'm woken, I'm likely to be up hours. Not tenable on a long term basis.


In our family, hubby is the noisy one. I make a pass through as I'm getting ready for bed, and tell him if he's going to make a snack or shower, now is the time. He rousts himself to the task while I brush and change. Made a big improvement in the general "tone" of the house. HTH. :grouphug:

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One thing we have tried, and we just need to more consistently enforce it, is a "be ready for bed time" vs bedtime. The teens can stay up doing what they want but all the kids in the house have to be showered and in pajamas by 9. I dont know if thats too babyish for 13-15, but it does beat bring woken up with 11 pm showers.

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