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My to-do list for today

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straighten house

do laundry

start supper



I figured I would start cleaning one room a day thoroughly


Clean off--counters

Straighten cabinets and drawers

Clean pantry and organize

Clean Frig

Clean Microwave

Dust baseboards/door & window frame

clean blinds



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-Attach elastic to bottoms of 10 pair of white eyelet bloomers with big blue sashes -- CHECK!

-Finish 8 multi-toned orange-sherbet tutus -- CHECK!

-Make 7 multi-toned orange-sherbet tutus from scratch

-Add black sparkly peplums (pepla?) to 15 white juliet tutus

-Deliver 40 costumes to fine arts center

-Turn in receipts and invoice to fine arts center

-Clean up horrific mess from making 60 costumes in the last few weeks

-Write up 17 progress reports for Latin students

-Write up lesson plans for substitute for Latin class next week

-Clean up messy house from focusing only on making costumes all week and not on daily house keeping projects

-Go to post office

-Go to bank to deposit checks

-Scale Mount Laundry

-Call Disney Dining

-Buy sandals for Disney trip

-Pack for Disney trip

-Make homemade pie to welcome dh home from a week abroad


Um, is it any wonder that "school" today consisted of letting the kids watch "Smarter Than a Fifth Grader" and an episode of Young Indiana Jones Chronicles? Or that they're now using the cardboard tubes from the 100 yards of tulle I had delivered earlier this week for crutches and hopping around house singing about "and a bottle of rum"? That's, um, literature or drama or something, right?!?


(I'm considering crawling under the bed to hide...)

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