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Fish oil and Speech Issues?

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Have you ever heard of using fish oil to help children with speech disorders? If you give your child fish oil to help with speech, which fish oil do you use? What dosage? What are your results? I am considering using FO for my DS who has speech disfluency and mild speech delay along with county provided speech therapy.

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I have been giving my son 1tsp a day for years. he is 6 and I started when he was about 18 months old.


I use nordic naturals. I give him the peach flavor. I don't buy the strawberry flavor that is marketed for children because it is much more per ounce for the strawberry flavour.


I stir on teaspoon of oil into a half cup of plain yogurt and a teaspoon of maple syrup or a teaspoon of jam. If you use pre-sweetened yogurt then you don't need syrup or jam.


Make sure to serve the oil in just a bit of yogurt, enough that it will all be eaten in one serving.


I believe that the fish oil has helped my son. When I gave it to him I didn't tell the speech therapist what I was doing. After about a month, she told me that she had never seen a child make so much progress in such a short amount of time. So, ever since then, I always make sure that he gets his fish oil. I give it to my other son as well. I figure it can't hurt, right?

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As I understand it, fish oil adds fat to the brain and nervous system which makes everything work better. Someone correct me if I'm wrong on this.


We began giving it to my oldest ds when he was 5. It helped with his vision and processing. It seemed to make therapies work better. We had dramatic results with all of his sensory therapies and I believe the fish oil played a major role in his response to these therapies.


We also gave it to my younger ds when he was 5. He is adopted and came to us malnurished. Even in the orphanage where he had lots of good food, he retained the distended tummy and was sickly. After about 1 month on the fish oil, he lost the tummy (just had reg. toddler tummy) and he stopped being sickly. Within 6 months, he was a strong, healthy and very, very active boy.


We used Kirkman Labs at first, then Nordic Naturals. There are several good brands. Do check for reviews though, as there are some that aren't so good. We order from Village Green (The Apothecary) because I trust them to only carry excellent brands.


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