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For Hebrew grammar:Yesadot Halashon or Lashon HaTorah?

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My son is in his fourth year learning Hebrew via Behrman House materials. He's currently working through Shalom Ivrit 1. However, he needs more grammar teaching, IMO; Shalom Ivrit is very subtle in presenting grammar rules and he's ready to put together his own sentences.

Which one of these materials, Yesadot Halashon or Lashon HaTorah, would be useful for supplementation? I wouldn't think I should use both.

If you've used one or the other, or both, could you tell me their strengths and weaknesses? Also, how often are you using them?


Todah (thank you),


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  • Want to pm me and have me ask him about what program next? Would he be ready for college courses?


He's not ready for college level courses yet; he's only 10.5. He will in just a few years, though (time passes oh so quickly and he is verbal and passionate about his heritage).

However, I am attemting to gather materials for his (and his sister's) scope and sequence for Hebrew from next year through their graduation; so I will pm you later today. I appreciate your offer to help. That is a Blessing that your dad has that knowledge and skill.:001_smile:


LHT has the specific goal of reading the torah. YHL is more comprehensive with the grammar and a greater emphasis on oral skills. We use both. Today 11:47 AM




  • LHT has the specific goal of reading the torah. YHL is more comprehensive with the grammar and a greater emphasis on oral skills. We use both.



That is important to know. Our goal for our children is for reading the Scripture and for oral communication. My son starts his bar mitzvah training later this year, which is very exciting.

I only know the Hebrew that I've learned at shul and in assisting him with his materials-he has out-surpassed me! He's pretty much self-teaching at this point. I can get alot of it, but my recall just isn't as quick as his.


May I ask you a few more questions?

He does Shalom Ivrit 5 days a week, adding in the prayer companion 1 day and script writing another. How would you suggest I add in these two new resources? How long do they take? Is there a teacher's guide since I'm not proficient in the language?

Also, I am beginning him in Latin for Children next year, too. You may not be able to help me here, but I am wondering how to incorporate the Shalom Ivrit, the other resources and Latin. I'm not concerned about whether he can do it, but how to work it all in together in a day/week:confused:.


Thanks for your time,





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Would you consider the instructions straight forward within the workbook itself, then?


How long does it take your child to finish a lesson? If I know that in advance, I would be able to have a general idea of how to incorporate it into his day/week.


I'm sorry for pestering you with many questions; I just try to avoid wasting money by thoroughly investigating a product before purchasing.


Todah Raba,



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Both books are 100% Hebrew, so unless you're at least at the level of the book, it would be very tricky.


My oldest DD is in 2nd grade, and this is what we're doing:


40 minutes translating/reviewing chumash (3-4 pesukim per day + cumulative review)

20 minutes on a page of Lashon Hatorah B, including vocabulary review

30 minutes for Yesodos Halashon 2, which usually is 1-2 pages

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Shalom Ivrit is completely in Hebrew and I have to translate along with him. However, there's a teacher's guide.

So the worktexts being 100% Hebrew is doable. My only concern is the scope and sequence of vocabulary from Behrman House may be different than that of Yesadot Halashon and Lashon HaTorah, being different publishers and curriculum you run that risk. He enjoys his Hebrew and I don't want to mess that up.

So I'm still thinking:banghead:.

I called BH to get some input from them and will look at what they recommended, too.



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Oops, yes, that's correct, the directions are in english (that's what I get for not looking at the book before I make a statement).


Yes, I do understand that ShI is Modern Hebrew; there's not a huge difference between the modern and the Biblical; not enough, IMO, to warrant concern anyway. It's like taking Latin and then wanting to learn another romance language; one already has the basis (not that Mod. Heb. is the basis for Biblical, it's not, but you know what I mean), so the transition will not be painful. I plan on providing him with more Biblical Hebrew specific materials when he's in high school. Plus, he'll be receiving instruction for 2 years through his bar mitzvah classes starting in Aug.


I've also looked at Chumash translating materials that you mentioned and one that is linear by Pesach Goldberg. I also noticed the Navi workbooks.

There's also the student edition linear Tanakh from JPS I'm looking at getting for us.

I am looking for good reading materials for practice as he has reached the level where he needs more practice. I found some options from the sites provided by your sources as well as from others.

I have the Artscroll children's Book of Ruth that I am going to have him begin on after our break (beginning of May) hiding the English part, then do Pirkei Avot leading up to Shavuot.


Can you tell I'm in planning mode?:001_smile: I will have to decide how to give him more grammar drill and practice.



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I just thought I would chime in that after speaking with BH, it was recommended, and I concur, to use a book called Contemporary Hebrew. It's a one-volume, self-teaching book for high school and adults and contains very specific grammar teaching, lessons and drills. The directions are in English, so that simplifies my teaching (and learning:))


Thank you for your help!



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