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Has anyone yet finished through level 6 of AAS?


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I think I've asked before, but was thinking maybe now someone is finished with the program (though I understand there will be a level 7 soon).


If you have a "graduate", how is he/she doing? Are you feeling the need to use anything else for spelling, and if so, what?

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Yes, my daughter finished AAS Level 6 earlier this year. She's 10 in the 4th grade. She really breezed through all the levels. I liked AAS because it went over the 'rules' which I've forgotten! She's a natural speller. We've not done any other spelling program since then, but, I am looking at incorporating another soon, just haven't figured out what. A friend turned me onto Spelling Power, and I want to check that out. I really want something easy, of course. My friend says she spends maybe 15 minutes a day with SP.



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We're about to. . .


I've been taking it sl-o-w this year with Level 6 with my 10 year old.


She's doing quite well, I think. Spells fairly accurately about 90% of the time, and fixes the other 10% when we slow down and remind her of the rules. It's been good, but she's kind of. . . . done. . . . with AAS.


One other word. I have seen a great improvement in her use of the Writing Station at the end of each lesson - her sentences have made more and more sense as we've progressed through the year.



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My son is almost done with Level 5, so not quite there yet. I don't add in additional programs, but I do make sure that I adjust the review to accommodate my kids. Some kids need more review than others (I added in some weekly review before moving a card to "mastered.") Also, I continue to apply the methods to writing my kids do outside of spelling, to words and patterns that they have learned. Not on first drafts, but when we are editing something. Here's a blog post on that.


Merry :-)

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