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Bible study wanted....

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My husband and I are going on a 10 day vacation to celebrate our 10yr anniversary. We are going to Kauai for most of it. We are looking for a study that we can do together. Here are a couple of parameters.......er...., uh......, helpful hints....... (only a couple:tongue_smilie:)


-He likes John Piper.


-I like Beth Moore.


-Neither one of us liked the book Love and Respect.


-We would like that it wasn't a long study, something that we can mostly complete on our trip(10 days).


-It doesn't have to be a study but we would like something that gives us some direction for our quiet times.


-Neither one of us like a lot of fluff, we both want a tell it like it is kind of study.


-It doesn't have to be about marriage. Getting closer to Jesus always brings us closer together!!:001_wub:


-We don't really want just a devotional, something a little more meaty. We don't mind spending at least an hour or two a day devoted to this.


Any suggestions would help. Can't wait for this trip!!! We sooooo need it!


Thanks in advance,


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Dh and I have been really enjoying the MasterWork studies/curriculum from Lifeway (and I'm not usually a big Lifeway fan). Each quarterly issue covers 2 themes/topics that are written by people like Beth Moore, Ravi Zacharias, Gary Chapman, etc. Good stuff. It's different from going over a chapter or book of the Bible straight through, but as far as topical studies go, these are really good, IMO.



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How wonderful! Happy 10th Anniversary! I think it's awesome you want to grow together in Christ!


I don't know if you'll have a way to play DVD's on your vacation as these are mostly DVD's and they are not necessarily a Bible Study but they will get ya talk'n on the importance of biblical issues and grow you. If not, get into some when you get back! ;)



Here are a few of our favorite studies:


Holiness of God R.C. Sproul Study

Shepherding a Child's Heart DVD series Tripp

The Truth Project (this was awesome!) ..get this somehow!!

Daniel Beth Moore



Debates are fun:

Collision w/ Doug Wilson vs. Christoper Hitchens (DVD)

Does God Exist Craig vs. Hitchens (DVD)

Any other William Lane Craig Debate (youtube)



The Falling of America/Education if you like that kind of study: (all DVD's)


The Child

Waiting for Superman

Demographic Winter



Walking with Jesus Ray Vander Laan DVD

How Should We Then Live Schaeffer

if you can get your hands on: "Does the Truth Matter Anymore" by McArthur; I highly recommend this. (Or his The Truth War book)



I'd love to hear what you have done or what you would recommend.

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