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Graduate school question

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So it has been almost 2 decades since I graduated with my BS (read "pre-internet"). I applied to a graduate program at a state university and the committee was supposed to meet today. Now I am wondering how they will notify applicants? And how quickly? I had to set up a univeristy email and include that on the application which made me wonder. Do they still mail letter like they did back in the dark ages when I was in college the first time arround? Would they send an email instead? If the committee made their decisions today, how long would it be before they let us know?


Sorry, I am a little neurotic about it right now and I am trying to remain calm for my family. Not sure it is working. :P

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I know several people who recently applied to schools and received email notification followed by a packet with forms and more information in snail mail.


Both graduate schools that I went to didn't interview unless they were 90% sure you were a definite, and then they notified at the end of the interview.

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