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Miquon ?

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Dd isn't very interested in the first couple lessons of Orange, where she is essentially pairing rods one-to-one with the pictures and finding the equivalent single rod. Yes, I have all the supplemental parent books. Should I just keep moving along or what? :confused: When I showed her how to add and subtract random items of three or less, she really enjoyed it and wanted to do more, so I know she's interested in SOMETHING math-related. :confused:

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You do not need to go in order, and she may just not be ready for the labsheets just yet.


Extend her interest in simple + and -. Expand her rod play. Build those stair steps, and find pairs that equal 3 , 4 and 5...color them...

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You do not need to go in order, and she may just not be ready for the labsheets just yet.


I feel like I read this before, but forgot. I'll try some other areas and see how it goes. I feel like it's not interesting to her because she's not really LEARNING anything. Two dots=two white rods=one red rod. Okay. So? :confused: If it's not working with other areas as well though, I'll assume it's a readiness issue and try it again summer/fall.


Extend her interest in simple + and -. Expand her rod play. Build those stair steps, and find pairs that equal 3 , 4 and 5...color them...


Will do, thanks!

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You definitely don't have to go in order. DD actually enjoyed the first few sheets, she loved matching them up and finding out which rod cooresponded to which number, but then we spent another 20 minutes just played with the rods outside of any lab sheets or specific goals. Have you spent time with the rods yet? There was a site out there with a Miquon pre-Orange booklet.... (off to see if I can find it..)


Okay. I don't have it in my favorites anymore, but maybe someone else out there has it. It was put together by another homeschooling mom (??) and has games and activities for the rods.

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Thanks! I'll try some of this stuff and see how it goes.


When I've just given her the rods to play with, she doesn't do anything in any way that seems organized. There are no stairs, pyramids, or anything like that at all being built. Is she still learning something from this?


Wow, it is really amazing how much I'm being thrown by something so simple. :lol: Other than OPGTR, this is the first curriculum I've attempted with dd, and I'm really getting flustered over whether I'm doing it right! Years of research do not equal actual experience, huh? :glare: I just have zero interest in doing this stuff if she's not getting anything out of it. How long should I try different things before I put it aside?

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I'm working on Orange with a 6 yro...it sounds like you're doing fine. Did you buy the Lab Sheet Annotations book? It had some stuff about the philosphy behind Miquon and suggestions for each worksheet. I think there's a 1st Grade Diary book out there that's supposed to be helpful in teaching Miquon, too.

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