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Pentime question


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We used it this year and I am looking at my copy right now.


It starts with review of strokes, ovals, understrokes, etc. Then it goes into tricky connections....kinda goes over all the letters and how they connect or don't connect. That's the first 30 pages. Then the rest of the book is copywork - one page practicing the tricky words found in the verse/poem and then one page actually doing the verse/poem/whatever.


There are 90 or so pages in all.


Hope this helps.

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It wasn't enough for my 4th grader (we did HWOT cursive in 3rd but that was a dismal failure - not enough practice).


I had him restart in the 2nd grade transition book. The first half of that book is print. The second half starts cursive. Then each letter gets a page to itself..... which is what he needed. I had him do 1-2 pages per day. He easily got through that book plus 3 this year. Next year he will do 4 and 5 and be back on track ;)

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