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I just found a small handful of threads on Droid apps, but I'd love to get a fresh response. My Droid will be here on Tuesday. (Blackberry died last night. RIP, friend!)


I've looked at a couple of library apps with good reviews, but I can't tell - Would any allow me to make categories of school books I have for the future, school books we use now, and school books we have saved for the younger kids, in addition to wish lists (which I'd love to further break down into school years!)?


Also looking for tips on apps for groceries, household, finances...

I'm sure I can find plenty of fun, time-wasting apps on my own! ;)

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The app I use most is called "Out of Milk." It is a very simple grocerylist/pantry list/ to-do list app. You can make out your food lists by typing them in or swiping the bar code. Plus, you can enter the unit price, quantity, and any notes for each item. Once I had gone to the store a few times, most of my prices were already filled in - and I could have a good idea about how much my total would be before I even went. It is also nice to have the prices on record so that I can see when they fluctuate at the store... the price and qty are shown in small font right below the item description.

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