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Heart of Dakota

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I haven't posted here often but was wondering if any of you ladies would be willing to share any knowledge or experience with Heart of Dakota curriculum. It interests me in several ways, but is it...I don't know, academic enough?


We've been using SL, which I like in many ways, but I've been wanting something that helps me draw more out of the books. HOD seems to do this, and is lit-based like SL. But SL still seems more "academic" to me, but it could be partly because HOD's website and catalog are really cheesy and have a very "unacademic", juvenile look to them. But when I analyze the nuts and bolts of the program it seems like it is rich and there is a lot there if you look beyond the look of the website, TM covers, etc.


Hoping for someone who has knowledge or experience with HOD!





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Welcome! You may get more responses on the curriculum board :001_smile: I looked into it extensively earlier this year, but decided against it. I love the idea and set up, but the religious perpective of it would take to much tweaking for me.


Hope someone else can be of more help! Also, if you go over to the curriculum board you can search HOD and a ton of threads will come up!

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HOD is deceivingly full, and a ton of reading! I'd say from Bigger and up, but Preparing is quite a leap in work load level. None of the earlier versions appealed to me though prior to Beyond. I did Beyond, Bigger and Preparing.

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