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Need short haircut suggestions...

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Once again, I'm tired of my hair. Currently, it's a layered bob (almost but not quite an A-line) about an inch past my chin. I don't mind styling it, but prefer minimal product. It would be great if I could go a few days between washes without getting bedhead. I want something cute, yet not too trendy, and easy. I know that I'm possibly asking too much.


For reference, I have wavy, thicker than average, dark brown hair and a longer, narrower face.


Suggestions? Pics? Please, please help me! I need a change. I'm beginning to feel like my hair style is the equivalent of mom-jeans...out of style, non-flattering, and, well, makes me look like a mom, my mom... :lol:

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I'd go to a funky hairdressers and get their advice :D


Like you, I have thicker than average, sort of wavy hair and a long face. What has looked good on me in the past is a cut that is longer at the front than the back (the back is usually cut to the hairline), layered more at the back than the front. I'd have it cut such that I could put my parting on either side. Scrunch dry after washing or use a diffuser dryer if you've got one. Then use one nice clip or slide on the thicker side.


Right now I'm growing my hair - I'm nearly there, it's 9" long - but I'm looking forward to having it short again!

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Like you, I have thicker than average, sort of wavy hair and a long face. What has looked good on me in the past is a cut that is longer at the front than the back (the back is usually cut to the hairline), layered more at the back than the front. I'd have it cut such that I could put my parting on either side. Scrunch dry after washing or use a diffuser dryer if you've got one. Then use one nice clip or slide on the thicker side.


I like this. My hair started out like this, but since I always parted it to the same side and always tucked the one side behind my ear, it is now cut shorter on the one side. It is a very asymmetrical cut, but I love it. It is so easy to care for!

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