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Does anyone actually use resources such as


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We've been using National Geographic Kids and Time for Kids a lot for our World Geography/Cultures study. Nat Geo has great pictures, information and videos on each country. Time for Kids has sound clips of phrases in a countries native language as well as other information on each country.


My son also loves some of the games on Nat Geo Kids.

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We use stuff from National Geographic, Discovery, PBS, BBC, History Channel, Biography....and others. At this point I usually have DS watch something as an intro to a topic or subject we're going to work on, and sometimes as supplement to what we're working on.

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Nat Geo seems a favorite. I do like much of what I see. As I search for resources, I often wonder if my eyes are bigger than my stomach, er, desk. KWIM? Trying to figure out what's worth trying is daunting, so it's really nice being able to ask here.


I might be too shy. But I might get up the nerve, so thank you for the suggestion.


PM Jennefer@SSA. I know she uses them, or has in the past, and might be able to share how she did this.
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