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Is it me? Toddler in church question (long!)

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No advice that you haven't gotten already here.

Just empathy!! :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug:

Be firm, but gentle and as consistent as possible.


We have a very challenging almost 4 yr old who has always been wiggly and loud in worship. Never been in the nursery for worship. Sitting up front, practicing at home and encouraging participation have helped the most for us.


Stick with it! Kids learn so much (by osmosis?! ;)) just by being in there. Even when you think they haven't heard or understood a word. They get the vibes for sure. Remember the why, the value in what you are trying to teach.

When you re-read Parenting in the Pew, look for her insights into the theology of worship (what is it and why is it important) as well as the hands on tips and strategies.

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