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Meaningful Composition question

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Hi everyone,

I am still researching writing programs/resources for my ds for the fall. He will be 8th grade. We have used IEW SWI-B and US History based lessons volume 1. Right now we are writing history summaries and outlining science as per the SWB lectures. I am narrowing down my choices for the fall and I really like the looks of Meaningful Composition. My question is: Where would I start him? He understands KWO's and parts to a paragraph. I would not however consider him a strong writer. He is ok..... Would I start with the level 4+?



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We've done 4+ and the second semester 4 book. Basically, 4+ starts out with basic grammar and progresses to writing paragraphs. The second semester 4 book focuses more on writing 5-paragraph essays. Dd is doing a lot of KWO work and rewriting given material in her own words. I have my MC5 book open right now. It seems to cover paragraphs in more detail, many KWO exercises, citing sources, outlining cards, thesis statements (which are also covered in books 4+ and 4 II), and organizing research. If your son already has many of these skills down, you could start with the 6+ books, which can be used to remediate older students. You have already used IEW, he is writing history summaries and outlining science, so many of the skills covered in 4+ would likely be below his level.

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I think you could definitely do 6+ if the child has a good grammar base. There is a lot of review in the beginning of 6+, but it is a lot of reading and then it jumps into it fairly quick - don't be afraid to lower the requirement initially. You can up it as soon as he/she is used to it!


We LOVE MC so much - it has worked wonders for my boys and their writing ability.

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