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What cool family fun thing are you planning for the weekend?

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Just hangin out together this evening (some sort of board game may be involved, plus DVDs of the Scarlet Pimpernel)


Tomorrow will be the first carboot of the year. :auto: Do you guys have those? Everyone turns up to a field with things they want to sell - like a jumble sale but with each 'stallholder' selling their own stuff. The DDs are hoping for lego bargains. :D


No, haven't heard of this.


Sounds really cool.

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Our last few days have involved a 5 hour drive to Denver, meeting with a zillion relatives and burying my dad yesterday. Dh and two of the children followed me over late on Thursday as they had track practice, swim practice and crossover for Scouts. We had a grand time with all the cousins, took lots of pictures and honored my dad. We met up with some of the family of my dd's fiance' who was killed almost 2 years ago. Then, left Denver at 3:00 am to head home today, very scary drive over the pass, took ds to go skiing with the newly cross-over Boy Scouts, took dd to her last gymnastics meet (2nd in All-Around!), check on sheep (several sets of twins, lost a lamb last night--it was zero degrees), dh took another dd to a track meet 5 hours away--they'll be home around 9:00, got to see dd who got home from Germany, dd who drove in from OK who heads out again tomorrow, dealt with 3 nosebleeds at the gymnastics meet and now I have to go back in to pick up the gymnast. Oh, and then drive to town again to pick up the skier. I'm afraid if I sit down, I'm going to fall asleep!


:grouphug: What a weekend!

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