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Who has used the k12 curriculum for Kindergarten?


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We are thinking of enrolling our daughter in a virtual charter school for Kindergarten this fall. She would go to a classroom once or twice a week, and the rest she would do at home. This seems pretty good for our family situation.

I have been all over the k12 website and checked it out as much as I could.

I was wondering if any of you have an experience with it, and could share your thoughts, specifically regarding Kindergarten.





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I did K12 Kindergarten with my youngest daughter. I did not utilize the phonics program as she could already read when we started so we skimmed through that. My daughter really liked it though. She really loved the History program. I liked the fairy tales and the read alouds although it drove me crazy that the lesson plans called for reading the same story multiple times with different exercises to go along. Personally, I read the story once and combined the daily activities. I cannot comment on the K science program as we did not have the in our state as we were a 1/2 day K program.


All in all, Boo-Boo really liked it and was disappointed that I decided not to continue this year.



ETA: I hated the math program they had at the time but they have since changed that so I can't really comment on their current math program.

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Loved it. One of my favorite grades. The history was fun and we made several lapbooks. The science was fun to , very hands on. They have an excellent reading program as well. Two thumbs up for K.

I've also used 1st, 4th and 6th.


I would also like to know how much time per day you spent on K12. We have friends looking at using it next year and they were asking.

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