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I need a book suggestion re: how to grow and harvest herbs

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I really want to grow herbs, but am really not sure how much to take off the plant and when. I'd like to do a container garden and bring it indoors during the winter months. Planting season begins late May. Does anyone have any really good book recommendations that will teach me how to tend to herbs???

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I'm sure there are specific books on the subject. Closest one that I have on my bookshelf of gardening books is "Making & Using Dried Food" by Phyllis Hobson There is a whole section on Herbs, but only about 16 actual pages on herbs. I'll quote a little from the book so you'll get an idea if it is the type of information you want:


"Cut sprigs of the lemon balm plant when blossoms begin to form. Chop lemon-scented leaves and stems into 1/2 inch (12 mm) pieces.

Dehydrator: Spread chopped leaves and stems over trays in a thin layer. Dry at 110F (47.5C) until dried through. Store whole branches in glass jars.

Sun: Spread broken branches over trays and place in a well-ventilated area in sun. Dry until branches snap easily in the hands, about 2 to 3 days. Store whole pieces in glass jars.

Oven or Homemade Dryer: Spread broken pieces over trays. Dry at 115F (47.5C) for 18 to 24 hours, or until brittle. Store pieces in glass jar.

To Use: Break up three 4-inch (10cm) pieces for each quart of water. Cover with cold water in a saucepan and slowly bring to a boil over low heat. Turn off heat and let steep for 10 minutes. Dilute to taste. Serve hot, sweetened with honey."

Edited by OrganicAnn
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