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WWYD? Co-op

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We joined a co-op(20miles away) this year for ds(12) and dd(10) to meet dc.

Ds says he doesn't care to do it next year, he wants friends closer to home so he can play with during the week. Dd loves going and ask to go back next year..she has made a lot of new friends and 1 really good friend.

I really don't care..I would rather not do it and stay home(I am a home body).


I received an e-mail today saying that we need to sign up for next year!!!

It is $35 for the first 6wks. I am not sure yet if we want to sign up. It really depends on how HIGH the gas prices go and if we can even afford to do it. I have explained this to kids.


I have a feeling next year is going to be hectic with the kids getting older, the work is going to get harder and with new curriculum that they are not use to.




FYI: We don't know alot of people in our neighborhood, I am hoping to meet new families and kids at the pool this summer.

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We attended a co-op 20 miles from our house when we lived in the States. It was great for the kids because we didn't have a lot of home schoolers in our area and they were able to make friends. But, the downside, I did have to commit to driving and organizing in order for them to meet up with their friends. It was okay because their friend's parents also drove their kids to meet up with my kids, but, with gas prices being what they are, you might need to think twice depending on your budget.


If we were home, we would still do the co-op because we really enjoyed it and I valued the relationships I had there. But, the extra driving would have to be cut down a little.

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