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What does a typical day for your 2nd Grader look like?


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Trying to get my plan worked out for next year, would like to see what a typical day looks like for you if you do not mind.


We will do-

MUS Beta

CHC Language of God Level B

CHC My Catholic Speller Level C

CHC Devotional Stories for Little Folks

The Complete Book of U.S. History

R.E.A.L. Science Astronomy

HWOT Printing Power


Spanish-uncertain of which curricula still, may just stick with what we are using now. It is free, J enjoys it, it is a simple introduction as well.


Math, spelling, grammar and handwritting are completed every day.


We also school 6 days/week, making the 6th day test day.

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My plan for dd (who will be doing mostly 2nd grade work) and schooling 5 days a week:

BJU Bible 2 (4 days a week)(Memory work on day 5)

Abeka Math 2 (Daily)

BJU English 2 (daily)

BJU Spelling 2 (Daily)

Handwriting and copywork (3x a week)

SL 2 Advanced Readers for Silent reading (Daily)

BJU Reading 3 for discussion (Daily)

History will either be SOTW vol 1 or MOH vol 1 (3x/wk for the nxt yr and half)

REAL Science Life (2-3x a week)

Weekly nature studies

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Our family has long school days, but we only school five days per week.


2nd grade


8:30am - 12pm


Latin - 1 hr

French - 20 min

Handwriting - 10 min

English - 30 min

Literature/Reading - 1 hr

Religion - 30min


1:30pm - 4:30pm


Math - 45 min

Ancient History or Science - 45 min

American History - 1 hr

Independent Reading - 30 min

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A typical day for my 2nd grader:


We get started later than I'd like.


9:30 We start with math every day. I am trying to cover two lessons a day but in reality we get through about 1.5 lessons. The is takes about 1 to 1.5 hours. I'm not watching the clock. I gauge when to stop by the quality of work. It is very clear when saturation is reached.


Next I go through the more independent subjects of silent reading (15min. I'd like to do more,but DD is just at the beginning stages of independent reading.),spelling and phonics.


Time for a break, then back to school with Shurley English. All of this happens before 12:30.


Lunch break can get a bit long since I work for DH packing and shipping for our home business.


After lunch we alternate history and science. Piano is worked into the afternoon. DD practices for 45min.-1 hour depending on enthusiasm.


Did I mention dinner, washing the dishes, and feeding the animals? Somehow all of this gets done too.

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We are finished before lunch most days as J is just not "there" after lunch. We do reading after Dinner however, he reads a chapter in Peter Pan currently. Most likely once Peter Pan is done he will start on the Wizard of Oz. Sometimes a chapter takes 10minutes, the next night it can take much longer. It all depends on him ;)


The bulk of our morning is Math as that is where he has a much harder time than any other subject.


I commend each and every one of you that have larger families-I don't know how you do it!

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I insist on math and writing daily. We usually do those subjects first. Then I alternate spelling and grammar and alternate science and history. Then we have one 'elective' per day. So, as an example, Monday would be math, writing, grammar, history, and Latin. Tuesday would be math, writing, spelling, science, and piano lesson. I mix things up now and then, but that's our basic schedule. It's more of a block schedule, but he likes not having to do every subject every day, and we still cover everything thorougly.

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