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to start kindy or not to start kindy ??

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I am building on another thread i started: http://www.welltrainedmind.com/forums/showthread.php?t=255200 cuz i am still unsure and 2nd guessing myself.




back ground


1 my son is SN and while gifted is very emotionally lacking and tends towards silly and also anxiety. some days he is amazing and some days he is a big SILLY 2 yo. He is in therpy and OT. He has has ST since 20 months and is now, at 4 months past 5, "done" and his olny need now is to remember to slow down and use the skills he has. he is working with a theprist on anxiety and also 'self regulating".


2. This last year he has gone to classroom 3 hours 2 days a week. dule enrolled homeschool and Pre-school -- he was in classroom only to get his services. he did great and the teacher complained a coule of times she had to pull 1st grade level work (word families) in for him and no one else.


3. He is a Nov Birthday so not offically Kindy till fall. adn then at 5 (almost 6) he could maybe be put off another year till 6 almost 7.


4. we read a ton, do worksheets as he asks -- or i offer a maze or something as a activity to have something to offer. he can FLY though most of the "pre-school stuff" but lack, really lacks the fine motor skills and writing skills to go any place else, he can't honestly do a pre-school trace or maze page well.


5. he has tested in the gifted range. BUT you'd never know it -- he has no strong intrest (beyond superheors, but no collection of knowledge about them) and has yet to really 'do any" like start reading on his own at 3 or anything --




so I am looking at kindy for the fall and while we still do not feel it is time to push, we'd rather he be a kid and deal with his SN needs rather then fight each day about specific expecation of desk work. I plan to dual enroll to take advantage of some limited programs at school, so he'd have to start Kindy this fall. generally I'd not mind him vaiting a year but i do not want him to be a year behind his offical place. i am not sure DH would go for waiting a full year to enroll him, offically, in Kindy though DH says that all kindy should be in math and reading.


So fall basically is gonna be phonics and math and being a kid.


So i just feel kinda confused.


I want him to be a kid, i do not want to push academic to the point of a battle -- but i do want to start him ....


SO here is the actual question -- i am having a devil of a time getting a handle on what 'level' of stuff to get him. his skills are all over the place; in both the basics of phonics / reading and math.


so how did you get a level to start?


anyone btdt with a sn, yet techically gifted, kid. My fear is his mind is fast gonna take him to apoint his body can't keep up -- his therpist feels he is already there in general and that is a big root of a lot of his anxiety and stufggles to function. i am concerend that if we quickly hit a point his head can do but he can't "physically do" (write, manuplate, cut) that is only gonna make the SN issues worse -- because of the conflict.


But i can't hold him back to "wait" on his fine motor and so on -- you know?


should i just get the lowest level and let him 'fly' though the stuff that is old hat (some math i look at starts out with things like BIG vs LITTE) and then get to the grit when you hit it and then slow down? do you get the lowest level and page though and start him a little below where you think he is? ????


I am jsut not sure how to find a good starting place.


and i am kida unsure what to do in general -- the SN vs the typical school stuff since his SN does not directly effect his academics.:confused1::banghead:






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Does your district offer an independent study program that will allow you to work at home and still receive special ed services? If my 3rd is still in need of services by the time she reaches K age that's what I'm planning to do. I don't care much for the district ISP in general because I would have to use their curriculum, but I'd put up with that in order to continue to receive ST and other services.

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Does your district offer an independent study program that will allow you to work at home and still receive special ed services? If my 3rd is still in need of services by the time she reaches K age that's what I'm planning to do. I don't care much for the district ISP in general because I would have to use their curriculum, but I'd put up with that in order to continue to receive ST and other services.


nope. They are open to dual enrollment, but our local district does not have a HSAP (I have a buddy in one 90 minutes north of us and her's rocks). As long as the boys have IEPs they Will get services; Big is in his 3rd year of ST via the school and has done part time classroom this year for services While enrolled as homeschooled.


but that is as far as it goes.


he'll be meeting the gifted teacher in teh fall; but there is no gifted pull out propgram till 3rd.

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