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After AP Euro, AP US History or World History?

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Ds. is finishing up with AP Euro. and I am trying to plan out history for his junior and senior years. He is also interested in AP Economics and Psychology. I don't know if he can fit everything in. He is leaning toward Pre med. in college.

I know this is a very subjective question but please give input.



Edited by Nissi
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Some questions:


What history/social science did he have in 9th grade?


Does he already have some colleges in mind that he'd like to apply to? What are their requirements for high school social sciences? Do they require a year of American History, Government, etc?


If he has already had American History in 9th grade and if the colleges do not specify requirements other than American History and World/European History, I'd be inclined to allow him to go with his preferences of a year of AP Psychology and a year of AP (is it both Micro and Macro?) Economics.




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I agree with the previous poster on checking college requirements. See which AP exams the school will accept, and what scores he'll need for those tests. Also, see which classes the AP will allow him to test out of. If AP Euro and AP World(for example) both let him out of Gen Ed history, then I'd only do AP Euro (Assuming his test grade is good enough for credit).

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Thanks ladies. Ds. did AP US. Govt.& Politics and AP Human Geography in 9th grade and earned a 5 in both. Many colleges like to see an American History and Govt. course. So maybe it will be good for him to do US. History followed by Economics and Psychology. Since he liked his AP Euro. course ( he likes the big picture of European history that he is getting through it) he thinks he would benefit from a World History and then US History course. But that would mean leaving out Economics and Psychology unless he planned on a sixth course in his jr. and sr. years. His extracurriculars, Speech & Debate and Science Olympiad, take up a lot of time during the school year especially the second semester with all the tournaments and prep. He is doing only 5 subjects this year and that is what I am planning on for the next year. English, Math, Science, Social Science, and Foreign Language. Is this alright? I would like him to take electives like Computer Programming, Art History, and a Music Appreciation Course. He would like it too. Thanks again for taking time to respond.

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