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Yahoo Message Boards

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Ahhhh!!!!! I am having such a hard time figuring out and getting used to this Yahoo message board for local homeschoolers that I just joined. 1.) Does anyone have any tips for me navigating this and 2.) This should remind me to be patient when dd does not get something new right away!

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Do you mean the yahoo GROUPS? They aren't really message boards... they are email lists. If you choose to use them board-style, and not get 'posts' (aka messages) in your email, then the messages on the site are listed in the order in which they are posted, the most recent being at the bottom of the page.


Okay, back up.

You go to the group's site. To the left, there is a list of links. One of them is messages, and this is where you can view the 'posts' made in various formats. The most recent post at the bottom of the list (and NOT linked by subject) is the default format.


As a sub-title under Messages, there is one for Post. This is what you use when YOU want to send an original message to the group. (Original, as opposed to replying to someone else's message sent.)


The Files link contains anything in Word, Adobe (pdf), or other programs.


The Links section is just that, a list of links. Some groups add folders to the links and files sections to categorize what is put there.


The Database section is often used for things like a group contact book, a sale/swap board, or sign-ups for games or swaps or the like. When you click on Databases, each database will be a linked title you should click to view, one at a time.


The Polls link is where you will go to take the polls that are posted as notices to the group board. You can't answer the poll from the message; you click the link within that message, or click the Polls link to find the current polls available.


There are Photos, with folders where people can add their jpg pictures, and this is where you should go when someone says that they added a picture to the group. Often, groups will have individual folders for each individual, so you'd need to find the folder with that person's name most likely.


Members, if that link is available, is simply a list of all of the members who are in the group. You can send private notes this way, by clicking on the person's email. (It won't reveal to you the full email. The page to send it to them will look exactly like the page used to post a message to the group; check the "to" box to make sure of where it's headed.)


The Calendar has a list of group activities, if it's utilized at all. You can view by day, week, month, or year I think. To view each activity in closer detail, click on it. You can also add your own events to the list, and set it up to send reminders to the group about it.




Back to messages and navigating those. If you're wanting a message board format, you probably are not very happy with the default format.

If you click on a message, and then scroll to the bottom, you will see a threaded list of all posts in that subject. This is only a preview of those posts, and you'll have to click each of them to see their entirety.

If that's not enough, on the original messages page, there is a TINY link at the top, above where the messages start, that reads "Group by Topic". That will lead you to a message board format, where you must click on the topic to see the rest of the posts for that topic. It also brings the most recent post to the top, as in a message board like you might be used to.




Anyway. I hope that helps some.... I'm in around 50 yahoogroups and have been doing those for years, even own a few. ;) And this post took me quite a while, as I was back and forth with kiddos, so forgive me if this is odd with any of the other replies. :)

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Thank you so much dalynnrmc! Navigating the messages is the most confusing part, I want it to work how I want it to work!! But I am figuring it out.


"Group by topic" feels better to me. I just tried it at your suggestion. Thanks again.

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You're welcome. :) The more you use them, the more accustomed you'll come to them. It's a breeze to me these days and is, in fact, where I started. I had to learn message boards backwards! LOL


I am a self-proclaimed yahoogroups expert. ;) Feel free to msg me if you have problems or questions with them!

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For my groups that are the most active, I get the "daily digest" and just scan the topics at the beginning of the email, and just read whatever specific posts are interesting to me. Sometimes I delete without reading anything, because none of the posts apply to me:)

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