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Guest fancymcnancy

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Guest fancymcnancy

I've learned a lot about CC and Veritas Press on here as well as on their websites, but I still have some questions.


Next year I plan on doing the Veritas History memory cards as well as the CC history sentences (we do not go to CC, we'll be doing just this portion at home) and we are sticking to the classical timeline, so we will be doing 1850's through modern times. How do these 2 curricula relate to each other? How do the songs for the Veritas cards relate to the songs that CC has?


The way I understand it, in order to get started I need to buy all 5 sets of the Veritas cards with the music cd's, the CC cd's for all 3 cycles, and either the Foundations guide or the 3 sets of CC memory sentences.


Has anyone used this approach? Am I crazy? I just don't want to completely follow the CC cycles or the Veritas cycles; I want to follow the SOTW timeline, but I love the CC and Veritas materials.

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CC uses Veritas products but does a teensy bit of rearranging is all. You can easily do the Veritas timeline cards without using the CC Guide. The CC Guide is really designed for families that are part of a CC Community and use their program.


If you plan on doing SOTW and Veritas cards then I wouldn't use the CC guide for again, it is designed to best be used as part of a CC Community where you will truly get the benefit of the entire guide and the way it was written.

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CC puts the Veritas timeline cards in a different sequence. I think it might be just the first 2 sets. And the CC sentences are not in the 4 year history cycle. Next year is Cycle 3, and is American History starting with Columbus up to modern. I'm guessing you have a Foundations guide and you plan to just pull out the sentences that work with your timeline? And, CC doesn't use the songs from Veritas because of the different sequencing of the cards. Sooooo, you might be better off just picking the Veritas materials and running with it. But I might need you to elaborate more on your questions or your plans.:confused::)

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I would get:


From VP:

- timeline cards

- songs relating to the timeline cards

These are very short bullet points that sum up the history of the world


From CC:

- the Foundations Guide - gives all the memory work covering history (detailed sentences with dates & important facts, not just bullet points), science, grammar, latin, math (facts & basic formulas), geography, & fine arts

- the music CDs related to the history cycle you are doing next year (so Cycle 3 if you are doing US History next year)


Note - no overlap between CC & VP CDs.


I LOVE having the Guide, and would use it with or without attending CC.

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Next year I plan on doing the Veritas History memory cards as well as the CC history sentences


(Just do the Veritas Press History Cards in the regular order. Also, note that "7" is the magic number when it comes to learning cards, so 7 at a time until you're through them)


The way I understand it, in order to get started I need to buy all 5 sets of the Veritas cards

Purchase all the cards at once, laminate them... and then you can pull the motions off YouTube for the cards... (you'll have to rearrange them back to VP order :)


Has anyone used this approach? Am I crazy? I just don't want to completely follow the CC cycles or the Veritas cycles; I want to follow the SOTW timeline, but I love the CC and Veritas materials.


That will work, go through, split up the memory work into the amount of cycles you are going to do (5??) and then fill in with other work so that you have a bit for each week. Living Memory is a great resource, too.


BTW, don't buy old CC CDs as there are mistakes.... Buy the new stuff. The Foundations Guide, can be corrected, though... and is fine to just "correct"..


Also, here's the thing... when you make copies of the cd, which for your own family... I think you can.... You just insert what you like. I like Shurley English better... so I'd insert that into the spot... for English... Perhaps you have some sentences that you won't agree with.. or you'll think incorrect... so you don't put those in... and just orally teach your kids.


The Foundations Guide is a nice guide to use as a frame... and then... you get to change it up as you choose.


Good Luck :)

Edited by NayfiesMama
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