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STILL sick...

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Friday she woke up feverish. By the time the day was over we had been to the pediatrician, they had sent us to the hospital ER and her fever had hit 104.5.


It's not flu, strep, pneumonia (or anything lung-related), kidney, bladder (or anything urine-related). We haven't heard back from the blood cultures, which means they were also negative.


We started her on antibiotics Friday night because her white blood cell count was so high (25,000). We followed up with her pediatrician yesterday (Tuesday) as instructed by the ER. Her WBC is down to 7500, a normal level, and the doctor sent us home saying it was "probably" a virus but finish the antibiotics.


Thing is, she still has a fever - runs around 100 consistently. She's coughing regularly, though not constantly. And she has absolutely NO appetite. Not even for sweets. She doesn't want to go out (this is very strange).


The doctor wasn't worried. Should I be? We've stayed home and are taking it easy, just hanging out, but I worry something's going on and we don't know it.


Am I just being paranoid?

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She says her head and throat don't hurt. Her cough is dry mostly. I suspect flu too, but don't know. The pediatrician was unconcerned. He's a good doctor but he was having a migraine and having a hard time himself. He was just so relieved that she was out of the scary zone that I don't think he fully absorbed the fact that she's STILL sick. There were also several VERY sick babies there when we were there (I could hear them screaming and the moms saying they had been like this for hours), so she looked good in comparison.


I hate to admit it but I'm starting to go a little crazy in the house. She's just laying about watching Nick Jr. and not wanting to go out, garden, go to the bookstore, nothing. I know she's sick. We play a little, then she's tired again. She won't nap - she hates naps. She hates sleeping. That's how I knew something was very wrong on Friday - she slept until 1pm. I push food, fluids, medicine, play, then come here for adult respite.


I'm worried.

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Yeah, she just refused Girl Scout cookies. I think it's the flu too. Maybe the antibiotics are doing something to keep the fever down?


Poor baby.


Deep breaths - regrouping. Back to the fluid pushing. I want her to be better. I love the snuggling, but I miss my active little girl.

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We had SEVEN days of fever with the flu. And several days after that of DD just not feeling well. If her temp has dropped from 104 to 100, I'd say you are definitely on the road to recovery. Hang in there. She may be dehydrated as well from the fever. I'd push fluids and enjoy lots of cartoons. Hope she's feeling better soon. :grouphug:

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Can I just confess that I'm sick to death of The Wonder Pets and Max & Ruby?!


Oh man....you have my sympathy. For years, DD9 has reverted to watching Dora the Explorer when she gets sick. I hate Benny the Potato and Isa the Ugly green thing.....

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