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Talk about snowball effect. Her younger sister has made the move to classical, now dd13 is questioning everything now too!


DD13 has been in a school from k-7, and did virtual school this year.


She hasn't enjoyed the curriculum the school board provided. We are looking for alternatives here. It's late to start the classical cycle. But I'm positive there are ways to improve her education from what it has been. To have discovered homeschooling 12 years ago...


She has already decided to do Apologia General Science between now and August so that she can take Chemistry in the fall. Then perhaps biology for 10th and move into the advanced levels after that.


She really wants to do the One Year Novel course. So I thought we could build on that desire, drop the school curriculum altogether for LA. In our school system grammar isn't a priority in our schools so we need remedial in this area. We NEED spelling, what is suitable for her age? Get her doing some reading, I'll pull some of that from the 7/8 recommendations in WTM and move on from there. Writing Strands. And work on that novel course.


Outlining and note taking.


I like CLE LA, but she's never done diagramming, so I don't know what to consider.


She hated the Social Studies, but I'm not sure what we could do? An intense year of Canadian History? World History?


We'll be doing bible study as a family. Much more fun :) and interactive.


Can anyone suggest anything to help us improve her education? There is really no way but up from her. Any suggestions in place of the ones above are welcome. I've limited exposure to high school level curriculum.

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She hated the Social Studies, but I'm not sure what we could do? An intense year of Canadian History? World History?


We'll be doing bible study as a family. Much more fun :) and interactive.


Can anyone suggest anything to help us improve her education? There is really no way but up from her. Any suggestions in place of the ones above are welcome. I've limited exposure to high school level curriculum.


I don't think it's too late to start classical. :grouphug: Ways to improve her education? I'd have her read Elements of Style. Someone recently posted a workbook link here that a child can work through while reading it. Looks excellent. Elements of Style is a fabulous little book. I read this book many years ago, and I have gone to it again and again over the years. I love it. Grammar recommendations? Hmm. Rod and Staff and not at the high school level--WTM I believe would recommend you start with Level 5. Our Mother Tongue (Ambleside's recommendation)--I like this. For my rising 9th grader, I'm probably using Mother of Divine Grace's syllabus for Warriner's Grammar and Composition. I believe Warriner's also includes an optional spelling program. Another resource I have that we haven't used yet but that looks very good--Vocabulary for the College Bound Student.


I'd probably shy away from any "intense" year of history and go for something that will get her excited to learn more and dig deeper. Perhaps a set of Teaching Company videos with something like A Little History of the World. The unabridged CD is only about $14 at Amazon. The book is inexpensive, too. You could then add some historical fiction, biography, etc. Ambleside Online has great lists.


Any easy way to increase cultural literacy is to follow AO's composer and artist schedule.


Hope some of this helps. Best wishes!

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Thank you for all the recommendations! I'll be looking into those.


If it isn't too late for starting Classical, how would you implement that over the next 4 years?


Well, I haven't really been classical here, so I don't know that I'm the best to offer advice.:blush: We've been more CM-ish. I just think it's never to late to start anything.:tongue_smilie: I would probably use WTM as a guide along with WEM. I would also make sure to adjust as needed. I really don't want my kids spending all day on book work--and I'm not saying it takes everyone all day, just that I think it might take us all day. I'd also look closely at Ambleside Online. I think AO is a great way to go. It's a CM curriculum, but it is very challenging. All the years from Year 7 on up would be high school level IMO. Mother of Divine Grace syllabi are something I am considering for high school. Classical approach but perhaps a bit lighter than WTM IMO. I am so up in the air for 9th right now. Sorry I can't be more helpful.

Edited by Violet
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Well, I haven't really been classical here, so I don't know that I'm the best to offer advice.:blush: We've been more CM-ish. I just think it's never to late to start anything.:tongue_smilie: I would probably use WTM as a guide along with WEM. I would also make sure to adjust as needed. I really don't want my kids spending all day on book work--and I'm not saying it takes everyone all day, just that I think it might take us all day. I'd also look closely at Ambleside Online. I think AO is a great way to go. It's a CM curriculum, but it is very challenging. All the years from Year 7 on up would be high school level IMO. Mother of Divine Grace syllabi are something I am considering for high school. Classical approach but perhaps a bit lighter than WTM IMO. I am so up in the air for 9th right now. Sorry I can't be more helpful.


Thanks for that! I'll take a snoop.


She has expressed an interest in Around the World in 180 days. So I'm considering that, adding in some outlining practice, reading from various time periods, we'll work with Analytical grammars essay course(because I accidentally ordered it, may as well use it) I'll use some of the recommendations from WTM and those found in the Pandia press readinging lists. I may slow her down to being done over a longer period. I'd love her to do world history as a 4 year program. But, I'm just not sure how to make it work.... but I'm making progress..lol


Keep the ideas coming! I've found some great things by snooping in the links.

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Am I understanding right, that CM is similar to Classical, in that it uses living books, but rather than history based it is more literature based?


If so since dd has a serious interest in writing. It's her passion. Would some of the recommendations be more appropriate? or does it make much difference?

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Am I understanding right, that CM is similar to Classical, in that it uses living books, but rather than history based it is more literature based?


If so since dd has a serious interest in writing. It's her passion. Would some of the recommendations be more appropriate? or does it make much difference?


No, I definitely don't think CM is history based as opposed to literature based. Shakespeare study is every year, for example. Take a look at the lit lists for each of the years. One thing I have felt is that sometimes some books are too much too soon. I feel like some of the books in the lower levels could be used even at the high school level. Even though I love AO, I think any program may have books you just don't like or want to sub and that's fine. Oh, I recently found a CM site that had a 9th grade lit list as well as details on how the course was going to be implemented.



As for strictly using living books, well, I don't think a CM approach would intend that for everything all the time. Science textbooks, math texts, books on writing. I know in Year 7, AO recommends The Grammar of Poetry. Not a textbook but it is an instructional guide.


Are you looking for 9th grade next year or 8th?

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