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Initial Impressions of DD11's new curriculum.

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This weekend was spent researching new curricula for my 'technically' grade 7 daughter. She is starting her grade 7 this week. She did virtual for 6th, and has hated every minute of it. It was extremely dry, boring and her retention for science was 0. We struggled through everything. Technically, it was an easy course, but poorly written by the school board. SO, after lots of research, here at WTM, a few sweet pm's with details of why some did or didn't like a curriculum(thank you much!), a few phone calls, reading some blogs, I think we have things settled for the most part, except for history, I need to read how to do it the WTM way.


We found some we were able to pick up yesterday, and I have to say, I'm pleased with it!


We're doing a late immersion into Classical with her, so bear with me.


We picked up LoF Fractions. It is probably a little easy, the first few chapters, anyway, as she just finished fractions in MM. Dr. Stanley's writing suits her well. She is laughing and giggling. :001_huh: There is something wrong with that picture..lol. I have read through several chapters; I would thoroughly enjoy it personally.


Writing Strands - this was a little confusing as to what level to get her. Since we're starting a little late in the game, and the ps school education she received was poor at best. I am using the level 3 with her. It doesn't seem beyond her, but it includes her age group, so she is fine with it. I can see us working through this one easily. I thought it a great place to start. I read through several lessons last night, and the tone of the book is light hearted, a little quirky/corny. E will love it.


Apologia - General Science. I had a really hard time choosing science. I required it be hands on. After the year of dry, boring, brutal science we had, she needs something to engage her. She loves participating in her little sisters science experiments(much to her sisters dismay, I might add). It is written in more of a conversational tone, yet is still challenging. This is going to be a stretch for her academically. The exams for the text are going to make her stretch her mind. I don't think I'll receive any real objections for her, I think it is going to be great!


I am fortunate, we have a homeschool mom that has a bookstore, and had those three in stock.


She is ordering in for me: Vocabulary from Classical Roots A, as well as a beginning diagramming workbook.


I have ordered CLE LA, Note Taking and Outlining.


I am following SWB recommendations for the students that are starting late as much as possible.


I told dd11 that we stick to it for the year. If she doesn't like it, we'll revisit for grade 8, but we have to give it a chance to sink in. It is like anything we try, sport, course. We finish it and move on from there.


Now to get a grasp of how to work with history. DD is chomping at the bit to start that!

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I will be very interested to see how your dd likes writing strands after working with it. I have been making myself crazy trying to choose a writing program for my dd (11). We are just beginning to transition to a more classical approach to schooling, and although she has done quite a bit of writing, it has been pretty unstructured.


I am going to start with Rod and Staff English, but supplement the R&S with another writing program (when I figure out which one!).


Please update this thread as you get further into your new curriculum.

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It looks like you are off to a really good start! I applaud you for making this very courageous decision. In the big picture of life, I doubt you will ever regret it. I brought my dd home after 2nd grade, and we have never looked back.





P.S. We used WS one year and dd did like it. Combined with your other LA choices, yours should do just fine.

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For me, History Odyssey Level 2 is making WTM history happen. If i tried (and I have) to do it just from the WTM book, it would not happen. Check it out. www.pandiapress.com


I don't know enough about this. But I have another older child that is now rethinking all her curriculum choices. Would a Level 3 be too intense for her, grade 9? She hasn't had any classical education.


This could be an option or Around the World in 180 days. Not sure what to do!

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Life of Fred is the best ever! All of my kids love Life of Fred, from my math hater to my mathematician. It does get a bit hard sometimes but my kids have never gotten frustrated with it and have always worked through the tougher problems. And they work them out on their own with actual enjoyment! Those giggles, laughs and squeals of joy when we get new math books (what other math series can make that claim?) are priceless to me, not to mention they embody the very reason I love homeschooling. :001_smile:


Actually your whole line up looks great! Have fun!!

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