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Kinetic books Pre-Algebra CD Version? Help?


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I am thinking of purchasing Kinetic Books Pre-Algebra - 1-Year License - CD Version [66865-8-9.IN] for my soon 8th grader next year.

Is the cd the same as the online version except you get to install to the computer with the cd? Will he be able to use the curriculum without having an internet connection?


Do I need to purchase anything else with it?


Do your children like it? Does it go through a planned progression as for as table of contents go so my son could simply know which lessons to do next? I ask this because I got a online math curriculum before and didn't like that I still pretty much has to put everything together. It was so confusing trying to navigate through it.

I know I could call them, but I like to get a homeschooler's perception of it and know how's because it's more personal.

One can talk to a salesman anytime and they will always tell you it's the tops!


This is very important to me, because math was the only subject that made us so stressed with frustration.He just seems to comprehend it more when he can see the concepts on the pc. than his watching his mom demonstrate with a dry erase board. I bought Teaching Textbooks and my son picked up on concepts away. I believe he would do well with Kinetic Prealgebra base on the one example that I have seen. It seems to be more informative, furthermore, I am on a budget and just can't afford the TT Pre-algebra prices this year. I like being able to go in an reinforce what he has learned with regards to math, and we both stress less. Please help. I want to do the right thing or see if I need to look elsewhere for interactive pre-algebra curriculum.

Any info is appreciated and please feel free to pm and email me too.

Theresa G.

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I haven't used their Prealgebra, but I have used their Algebra I and Algebra II.


You go through the chapters in order from start to finish. You don't have to figure out what order to do it in because you just keep going to the next page.


I have the cd-rom version of Algebra II and it does not require internet access at all. Be warned that it will only install on one computer. You should call the company and ask about it though. It has been bought by another company since I bought mine.


It doesn't divide up nicely into daily lessons (they do break it up into lessons for you with the online hs version). I have just set my kids up with an amount of time to work on math with a timer. 45 minutes/day seems to work best for my kids.

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